You can just push the button's not like a plane where it's gone when it's gone... On a more serious note, GOOD WORK!!!! I couldn't stop cracking up!
Dude, just be ur self man. From experience, smile at them and have eye contact and if she looks back or smile, then go for it. Say Hi my name is ______ nice to meet you. If she intrested she will say my name is ________. If she looks at u funny and laughs , which makes u look stupid, just say Im sorry i thought u were hot, but i guess i was wrong. LOL dont use the last line. Just say Sorry and walk away and try again til u succeed, ROFL. Just start a casual conversation with her then last part , dont forget cause its really importanat, ask for her phone number!!!!!!
and if the girl is not interested and walks away, stop her and say , "hang on"..and reply.."oh nothing just wanted to stare at you lil longer"