I watched Gem of Life up to epi 5 and it's so boring I have to stop...I really can't stand those type of long series with so many different people in there. Moonlight Resonance was very good though, there were good parts in every episode...gem of life is just boring...focuses on one issue way too long. The pairing of the couples doesn't interest me either. I like This easterly showers a lot more...straight to the point. Edwin is funny and cute!
I just finished this serie, wasn't going to watch it because of Lisa, started off pretty decent but as the plot moved on, it got more and more boring, the last 10eps come to mind, it should of been 20eps really. Edwin and kiki were most interesting characters from the serie, others were either decent or didn't stand out, couldn't feel much chemistry from the leads either, which is odd. Overall, could have been a much better, as it is, not a bad but nothing special either, just your average prodictable tvb serie with rush ending.
i really didn't understand why he turned evil; he lacked motherly love, yes, but then when he was finally accepted by his mother...he still doesn't turn away from all his wrong doings...wtf?
I actually download from another site as i m not 'activate' or dont have perms on this site yet...annoying. anyways yes this is a much better series than gem of life, started off slow by as it got on was good...until he got a power trip and started betraying everyone.
Having watched Moonlight 2 and the show with Roger Kwok and Kevin cheng ( I forgot the name of the drama), I think that 'when easerly showers..' is quite a boring show. Overall, it's ok for an average TVB show.
Jz finished watching last nite. Dun like the ending... if the ending is better i tink it will b a better drama
In this series....one person that I can't stand: THE MOM. Everything goes chaos just because her crazy mind. She twisted everyone faith because her stupidity.
The ending was just disappointing. So many if's...if certain things weren't done and certain words were said...all in all, just disappointing. But the beginning of the series was really captivating!!
i got 10 episodes of the drama and had such a hard time clearing it......however, needless to say miss liza wong's performance is outstanding
I'm not a fan of drama in this generation/year, but I really enjoyed watching this . I thought the chemistry between Joe, Charmaine and Liza was really good , although I didn't really like the ending it was better than a lot of other series this year .
This was such a boring series and I knew it would be before I started to watch it. Charmaine is quite the queen of TV rating poison. I also felt Liza Wang wasn't to happy in acting this series because it didn't seem she put 100 % to her acting. Joe and Charmaine don't match.
im barely on ep 7 i believe and its alot better then gem of life. i had to skip parts in gem of life. i believe that the cast for this series is very strong. people that have been acting for a while and is improving positivity. i really hope it doesnt end up like gem of life.