Do you love, like or loath the series as a whole? What do you think of the characters, the acting, the storyline, the setting and the pace? Rate it and explain/justify your views here!
Its starting to get more exciting as the plot is revealed further. I also can't wait to see who kevin will be paired up with
its actually getting better and better the start was good and then it dropped a bit but nows its pretty good. love the grandma
it's good but i expected more. hahaha. the plot and actors are fine though. for once i actually like almost everyone's acting.. that is, besides that irritating sister.
its ok, but the married sister is kinda a bad actor or somthing maybe her role but i just dont really like her
It's better now that we get to see Roger's true evil intentions, the first couple of episodes were kinda slow paced.
Based on episode 14, this series reach to the point where it is very interesting. It's been too long ago since roger was in a evil role.....and he's very good at it. I like the way how the write/director create psychological strategy/plan for roger to try to drive the grandma to death. I think it's pretty brilliant and evil...but in the same time, it makes me hate roger's character even more. i think kevin is better off wit macy. YOyo's character seems to annoy me...dunno y. I think this series is wayy better than Moonlight reasonance probably because MR is way too boring. I like this series because it has everything that i wanted out of a series. i especially like the theme song too. But anyways, cant wait for episode 15. Thank everyone who contributed to this series.
the movie was interesting in the beginning but now its just dragging....maybe a good job by roger in portraying an evil person is worth the watch
it was good at the start cos there was a lot of action, but then the action went and it became draggy and boring, but now the action is increasing so it's gettting better
I agre, this series keeps you on the edge. The bad guy in the series is so evil. H'es normally a good guy in other series that he has done.
I think the two series are non comparable, I really enjoyed the moonlight reasonance and I think last one standing is great too
I though this drama will be bothering when it comes out. After couple weeks This is is better than I thought. The storyline is quite smooth and the actors are doing a good job