What do you think of Speech Of Silence Overall? What are your opinions on the cast, acting, setting, storyline, theme, quality? Explain & justify your comments!
BORING CAST Kate Tsui's hair looks so fake Mr. Ma's name is "O.K Jai"?dude you're 34 or 33 I like the dad of Mr. Ma Stephen Huynh improved a lot on acting Elaine can improve better Mr. Lok Yi is pretty good but a little bit OVER Mr. Wong did a good job, nice chemistry with Ms. Ma SETTING Same as usual STORYLINE I like the idea of bringing out the voice industry. It's pretty new. The storyline is good for those who likes plain and not much climax audience.
i find that the storyline was unique on how tvb did a series about dubbing works and deaf ppl. Although there are some parts in the series where it got really boring. Overall it was an okay series, but Chris really cracked me up with his character.
i personally think the whole drama was very draggy and nothing to look forward to in each episode....hence i stopped halfway
lol it was alright, expected better , but not bad overall, chris lai = best actor ^^ but wtf, that save peter thing, was sooooo over hte top, i mean seriously,
Speech Of Silence This show was like boring and lack the wow factor. The opening was horible, the middle and climax was done crap and the ending was so stupud. This show didn't impress me at all
i love this series~ kenneth and kate did so well~ loved it so much~ the ending was really sad~ but so happy that they still ended up together~elaine and lok yi was so funny lol~ and i learnt so much about dubbing in this series~