What do you think of the ending?

Discussion in 'Yes Sir, No Sir - 點解阿Sir係阿Sir' started by kevin, May 27, 2011.

  1. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Not as rushed as other TVB series but it would have been a better ending if they told us what happened to Linda. We all know that Linda goes off with Kenneth Ma but there isn't really a direct message besides the little girl (k k) says "I'm starting to like her" which probably indicates that she wants her to be the mother.
  2. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    One curious thing is why does Law Sir, in the beginning of the last ep, when dressed in civilian attire, walk around the police station without an ID displayed like everyone else. One gets the impression that he's not really a cop after all.
  3. dragonsy42

    dragonsy42 Well-Known Member

    STUPID ENDING. I don't like it at all. I would've loved to see Moses stay with Linda!!!!
  4. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    I know right and why isn't he wearing his ID in school. He should if possible wear his uniform at all time. Ron may be an exception but he is wearing his ID. Moses mushroom head is also gone in the last ep and Tavia hair look better too. I bet they filmed that 2 wks later after ep 29 or something.
  5. pOtentiaLeaver

    pOtentiaLeaver Well-Known Member

    boring last ep
  6. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Wished i could of see Cilla one last time at the final minutes.
  7. OhanaUnited

    OhanaUnited Well-Known Member

    The ending was horrible. It's open-ended on almost all sides. Maybe they want to purposely leave some knots tied and make a second series?
  8. snakekilla12

    snakekilla12 Well-Known Member

    all i have to say is, it sucked because moses and linda didn't end up together
  9. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    They should have an alternate ending.. just for all those C9's & others complaining. I wouldn't mind an alternate ending too.. cause i wanted Mo & Linda to end up as a couple.
  10. pOtentiaLeaver

    pOtentiaLeaver Well-Known Member

    they should have a police epic chase to hunt down ai fung in stead of him just getting randomly bashed by drunktard -.-
  11. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    i dig the ending and the fact that its open ended because this series cant really tie up everything or it will seem forced. The number 1 thing is that moses and tavia didn't really hook up in the end like every other series, its sorta like square pegs ending. But the linda hooking with kenneth and ron ng's out of nowhere replacement girlfriend is typical tvb fare lol. W/e there is just something about the ending that i dig.
  12. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    TVB tries hard to not make the ending as cliche, yet it leaves an acceptable ending to the general audience.

    If I wrote the script, I would have Moses re-acquaint his love w/ Ms.Kool. However the story never built the relationships strong enough to allow the audience to grasp this point. Simply put, there was NO REAL courtship, nor development of that aspect in the series, which set up the ending as it is..

    Still a great series...
  13. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    who is this?!
  14. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Well I quite liked the ending in some way, not quite cliche but...

    1) The triad gang was called Jung Hing, which is the same as the one in EU
    2) The triad boss was selling drugs and ended up being paraplegic/vegetable by the junkies

    But overall, as a series I quite enjoyed it, action, romance, comedy, drama, and good people to look at. (no myolie or kate!)

    also linda and cilla did a pretty good job, moses did alright, linda's sister and husband in law played their role pretty good too
  15. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Actually, I think the overall surprise for me was how engrossing this series turned out to be. I mean, at the very beginning, I nearly bypassed this download completely because, the first ep? In a word... BORING!!! Luckily, Mrs. Ralph harassed me a bit and I just DL'd to save for later. I didn't start watching it until ep 18 and we wound up spending a whole weekend plowing through all of them at one shot, LOL... By then, I was so hooked I couldn't even wait for the next eps. I gladly agree with the nice comments about Linda Chung, who's thespian skills has genuinely improved. The ep in which she "finds out" everything is an absolute and welcomed departure from her previously recognized (and generally panned) wooden role play. Another genuinely superb performance was had by the girl that played her older sister. She's usually a second tier bit player (the infamous Keh Leh Feh) and given really crappy parts, but I had noticed over the years that she nonetheless plays them all with credible aplomb. I look forward to seeing her get meatier roles because frankly, her looks aren't all too shabby either.

    Another thing that I'd noticed; why did all the school's "bad" boys only have the right side of their shirts untucked? Is this the HK trashy schoolboy "look" nowadays? Further, the whole series seemed to involve only one small class of a third tier "school" but you never got to see any other students. They could have at least sprung for a few more extras. I know TVB is cheap but really now; a series about a school and it's got no students? Wassup widdat? LOL...

    And the ending where the crime boss becomes a paraplegic but has no memory of his own evil past? L'audace! TVB certainly had the nerve to let it's fans down and allow the most evil character in the whole story to "get away" with it. Sure, there was a bit of poetic justice in his becoming crippled at the hands of a bunch of druggies, but seriously, he should have been lucid, alert, aware, and then most of all, powerless; not just a paraplegic, but a quadraplegic. Let him not even be able to wipe his own ass but be in full possession of his senses. Revenge is only sweet if one had the ability to taste it. By making him an idiot, TVB robbed its fans of seeing a righteous ending.
    #15 ralphrepo, May 28, 2011
    Last edited: May 28, 2011
  16. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

  17. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    agreed lol he should've died right there but then they want to close ron ng and the ex triad boss' story? lol also it would've been call too violent by the audience aka netizen i guess dont know but yeah that was pretty lame. Also i think they should've ended without everyone having relationships although inconclusive to most linda should've just reappeared at the bowling, ron should have found out that the ex triad boss didn't do it a while ago and accept that his hand is broken. I think tavia and moses story should've concluded a bit earlier than the prolonged conversation at the end.

    Anyways yeah this series was very surprising at the last episodes maybe cause we got bored shitless like 70% and any sign of life gave us hope.
  18. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    I think the part where Linda walked into the competition is really great. I knew she would walk in.. & it would of made a good ending to end of the drama with the school winning the Champion.

    I actually wanted to see the class graduate.. =S Unnecessary.. but i still want it to be done.
  19. pOtentiaLeaver

    pOtentiaLeaver Well-Known Member

  20. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    I thought it was only K4 that had their right shirt untucked (apart from Cilla).

    "All of a sudden, WAH, SUET, LAM and LIK find themselves involved in a complicated love polygon."

    Not really that complicated if you think over again. It was difficult for Law sir (Wah) but not as complicated as it has suggested.