yup....this series has suspense as you watch more....quite a nice series i would say.....but just feel that moses and myolie a weird couple ahha
i am watching it because i like tong buk fu. moses is not a suitable tong buk fu. i can not stand his voice at times, its annoying sorta.
I wasn't going to watch this series but my mom bought the DVD's and it's actually pretty funny and good. I just don't like Myolie.
Yes, it's a light comedy series. Besides the humour, I like it because of Moses and Myolie. Does anyone know what show will be replacing this one when it ends?
This series was ok I do enjoy Moses in comedie more than dramas so that was why I started watching in the first place
nearly finish now =].... not too bad i like the comedy to accompany the storyline. thought it was funny in ep17 where they put a group of indians in the scene. not that im racist but dont think they had canto speaking foreigners back in that timeframe.
this series is funny and ok. if Moses could pair with Bernice as Chow Heung in this series, then it will definitely be great.