What do you think of this series?

Discussion in 'When A Dog Loves A Cat - 當狗愛上貓' started by whitenight, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    agreed with freeminded

    whenever i see gallen and myolie i think of myolie as gallen's retarded sister from golden faith
  2. EvilTofu

    EvilTofu 吃|✿|0(。◕‿◕。)0|✿|吃

    It would had been great if jessica was in it instead of myolie, the pair just doesn't go well cause of the age gap and she over does things(mainly on the acting part) that annoys me,

    After so many years, Gallen is back and they didn't get a female lead that is more appropriate and compatible, that's the part I really don't like.
  3. jazlynnyee

    jazlynnyee Fantabulous!!!

    so-so for me...sometimes its good to watch light-hearted series... while waiting for Moonlight Resonance to air...haha!! :D
  4. KilaKilaGirl

    KilaKilaGirl Well-Known Member

    so far, this series is okay.
  5. phoenixtang

    phoenixtang New Member

    i think this show is quite alright as there arent any other shows at the moment. i think it'll be more interesting later on.
  6. Chibi12

    Chibi12 Well-Known Member

    Actually that i a good suggestion, Jessica sounds perfect for the role, the right age and can 'ACT' - a very important talent in this business.
  7. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol Gallen lo is a awesome actor and it shows in this series, lol the story is alright, lol we need more Action tho, its too much of a Happyish Drama ,
  8. babs

    babs Well-Known Member

    i dont think jessica would be right for this role. i really like her but she is a bit older and her personality isnt that cutsy. you all are right about myolie though. she seems to be playing those really annoying characters and as much as i like to watch her it's starting to irritate me as well. i dont think gallen and myolie look bad together. TVB seems to be pairing older men with younger women in a few series.

    oh well, i really like this series. it'll be nice to watch something light hearted since HOG 2 is a bit more intense.
  9. dingd0ng

    dingd0ng Member

    I have only watched the first two chapters of the series...its okay, but not something i will want to rush home to watch.
  10. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Sigh .. no doubt in my mind that this storyline is weak and predictable (in other word, SUCK) I can't stand Myolie .. she always overact and it's irritating. I haven't seen any improvement in her acting at all; same old trick and reaction in all the drama. Gallen is also a bit disappointing. Frankly, I don't see any chemistry between Gallen and Myolie as well. The same with Lui Fong and his wife. The pets are nice but beside that, I think poor casting, bad acting, and dull story make this series a waste of your time to watch. I believe the Jessica Hsuan's new ATV series is probably worth your time more than this one.
  11. kitleen

    kitleen Member

    i myolie's sister in law is annoying character. and she well.... makes use of her husband. the husband on the other hand is without a pants ~_~ get bullied.
    other than that, i think this series will be enjoyable one
  12. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    hmmmmm a very weird series ... can i ask whats wrong with myolie ... i like her acting skills..... i agree thats shes a bit annoying but she still is a great actress ........ btw who agrees with me] the cat and dogs voices should have been these two.... not the ones now......
  13. dont really like the storyline + Moylie
  14. vayha

    vayha Well-Known Member

    even tho i really want to like this series becoz of myolie...i kinda do find it boring. but its OK i guess.
  15. yammer

    yammer Active Member

    I stopped watching midway through the 2nd episode. Not a good comeback role for Gallen Lo. Never liked TVB's comedy series. Story lines are just ridiculous and ruin the actors/actresses' efforts.
  16. Nhube

    Nhube Member

    Since i've watched a couple of epi now, I fine it's a ok series. The pets are cute but at times I can't stand the voices of the animals. I do like Gallen Lo, have not seen him in a TVB series in a while now and I always like his acting.
  17. fockpa

    fockpa Member

    mm every series moylie is in, her character is alwasy annyoing and her crying is omg..
  18. itzd0pey

    itzd0pey Well-Known Member

    i'm diggin it :), anything with myolie i'd watch actually ahaha.. =)
  19. kitty.kat

    kitty.kat Active Member

    I've only watched 2 episodes and don't want to watch anymore. I love to watch Gallen but don't like him pairing up w/ Myolie, she's weird.
  20. heaven85

    heaven85 Member

    This series is not great or amazing but I enjoy watching it since Gallen is in it and the dog is adorable. It isn't about anything serious but its something that I find fun to watch. I can't wait for the next episode.