What ethnic would you date?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by yumdedumjenn, Aug 13, 2007.


What ethnic would you date?

  1. Hispanic

  2. Asian

  3. African American

  4. Caucasian (White)

  5. Other

  1. compliant

    compliant Well-Known Member

    first things first, facts, not off the top of my head. see, that's where the differences lie. there is a HUGE HUGE HUGE difference between the culture of africans (pottery, tribal customs, hunter-gatherer monarchies) and african americans (hoes, pimpin, drugs). you don't see many - if ANY - african americans going back to their ancestral roots and practicing shamanist or whatever customs they have back on the continent. THAT is what african culture is. that, and what you said about patriarchal society (e.g. the masai of kenya). african-american culture was created because the whites took away any semblance of culture during the age of slavery. if one generation has the culture, but can't pass it down, the offspring will have even less of an idea what true africans were like. et cetera, et cetera.

    the drugs and violence come from a lack of cultural identity. if you hadn't noticed, blacks aren't the only ones getting into drugs and everything. native americans are another example. they may not have been enslaved to the extent that blacks were, but the current generation is stuck at a point where they adhere to how today's north america works (get rich! get famous!) and how their respective tribal cultures work. while their ancestral culture practices peace and harmony with nature, native youths, in their attempts to keep up with the joneses, just become increasingly frustrated. the frustration, of course, also comes from the fact that they live in third world-esque reserves in the middle of nowhere. the frustration eventually leads to dropping out of schools (native americans tend to have high dropout rates in high school). where do kids go once they've dropped out? they resort to avenues of quick and easy satisfaction, otherwise known as sex and drugs. quick enjoyment, but obviously no long-term benefits. when you see native americans opening casinos and operating motorcycle gangs nowadays, you get an idea of where their culture is heading - downhill.

    now let's go back to african americans. once slavery was abolished, there was still anti-black sentiment raging through america. what you had then was skilled black workers not being able to get a job because of their colour. there's one source of frustration. as you very well know, it wasn't until the 1950s when blacks finally attained equal standing (legally; racism is another issue altogether) with the whites. according to stats (pick any education ministry that evaluates students by race, and it will tell you this), blacks have a high dropout rate. now, the simple solution to this would simply be study harder. but when the high dropout rate becomes part of the black stereotype (e.g. laughing at blacks for their overall lack of education), it becomes a problem. some black people, admittedly, are incredibly intelligent. but if you hear about blacks failing in general, and not being successful in the real world, it becomes a personal thing. and why would people say that? because there are stats that prove black people's general "lack of intelligence" (again, there are blacks who are smart). it's as if an asian person were the smartest kid in the world, and then he hears rumours about how all asians are retarded and can't do math for beans. then he starts thinking, with false logic, that because he's asian, there are many things he shouldn't be capable of. as the black stereotype becomes increasingly perpetuated, more and more blacks drop out. and again, if you can find an education ministry that evaluates students by race, you'll see that black dropout rates haven't changed much over the last 30 years.

    the rapping and drugs is a product of the black stereotype perpetuation. if lots of blacks drop out, what are they going to do to live their lives? jobs aren't much of an option when a person doesn't have a high school diploma. so instead, they use their wits to pimp and get high on drugs. quick and easy satisfaction, as noted with the native americans. with the degree of influence that media has today, the sex and drugs culture tends to be glorified more than it should through music videos and rap CDs, as I'm sure you're very well aware. blacks see it and think, well, if we're not doing well in real life, this sex & drugs culture seems to be a really viable option. why does it seem viable? because rappers in these music videos seem to get all the women, get to show off their bling, get to shoot their guns at people, and heck, they even get away with it! getting shot? man, that's just an indicator of how tough someone is! things like that come from the music videos that are produced. the obvious misconception here is how much rappers, especially those who are earning millions, had to work to attain their status. a good example here would be kanye west, who wasn't a failure to begin with - rich family, but decided to live his dream of being a rapper. if you hadn't noticed, a lot of non-black people are becoming part of this "gangster" culture, again, because of the appeal it brings. it makes you look tough, it's a quick way to get the ladies, and the bling.

    now I was saying how this is african-american, NOT african, culture. all of this is a result of being too far removed from the original elder-respecting culture that african tribal groups have. why are they too far removed? because they had no opportunity to practice african customs during their days in slavery.

    well, unlike blacks in the united states, hong kong people weren't exactly enslaved by the british. so they had the freedom to express their culture. as for blacks, salem witch trials anyone? the black slave in charge of reverend parris's children was instantly antagonized for being a witch or voodoo artist, simply because 1) blacks were seen as mystical, evil, and unchristian, 2) as a member of lower social status, the slave was an easy scapegoat. if talking about voodoo brings upon instant suspicion to the extent that it might get you hung at the gallows, then that's not exactly respecting a culture, now is it. let alone recognizing the merits of a foreign culture.
  2. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    Well in Australia, the Aborigines are alot like Africans but instead of slavery, it is hardcore suppression. HOWEVER, the Aborigines practice their culture and it is well respected however, highschool dropouts are high and there are alchol and substance abuse.

    So you see it is not all about cultural identity.

    then why do they support the stereotype? Why not break them? The asians are now into hip hop music and tbh im really uncomfortable about it. The blacks may exploit women in their damn rap videos and calling them "hoes", but us asians, since when were we into objectifying asian girls as sex objects in the rap vidz and further enlongating the negative asian female stereotype which some asians hate? Hell, even blacks are exploiting asian females in some vids and it annoys the crap out of me.

    Whats the difference? There was a massive influx of African immigration in Australia and every week i see an African causing trouble on the trainstation.


    The brits were influenced by John S. Mills a british economists who imo fuked the world over. His idea was the colonise the uundeveloped countries and expand the british empire. I again will refer to Australian Aborigines. The indeginuos Australians were blacks as well, but yet they weren't enslaved unlike africans. Whats the difference? The aborigines practice a similar arts to voodoo but yet the brits didnt hang them for it. They instead condoned it.

    Now, what does it show? the african culture are primitive. Yes, i know im being rude but thats opinion. Asian cultures...well has it ever been primitive? Guess not. Now that is why i find it awkward an african and asian dating. A rich culture and an african one which is primitive has a very big contrast. In terms with African Americans, well in that case since you said they didnt have a culture rather than hip hop and rap, and having a relation with Asian one is still a huge contrast.
  3. yumdedumjenn

    yumdedumjenn Well-Known Member

    well when i was dating my ex (black) people ALWAYS stared at us but what was funny was that we both took advantage of that and would actually kiss and makeout in front of them for the purpose of it =D put on a good show ;D!

    as for the kids, the kids would come out looking like filipinos. my cousin's wife's sister married a black man and their relationship worked out fine even their children came out looking pretty hot!!
  4. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    anyone one that i like i dont mind about ethnicity what so ever
  5. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    Ands the stares, well, people find that weird obviously, but i guess ure comfortable with it then i guess that wat really matters. right? And putting on a show? What they're jealous of you? lol!

    Look like filipinos? Not even close...<_<

    Eurasian children are stunning (like the one in my sig) but "blasians" is a different story. Then again, the parents find the kids attractive cause of the unconditional love and etc etc but the outside world has many opinions.
  6. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

  7. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    ^its true isnt it? :p
  8. compliant

    compliant Well-Known Member

    you just pointed out what I had already said. I already mentioned how native americans have high dropout rates. you're just repeating the point. these problems arise because of their FAILURE to relate to their relevant cultural template. I'm going to say this again: almost all cultures have a basis on respecting elders, and giving a sufficient amount of respect to things around them. the reason dropouts occur is because individuals defect from the template provided by their original culture. I'm going to repeat what I just said in the paragraph: african-american culture is NOT (I repeat: NOT) the same as the african culture.

    stereotypes: yes, it is our job to take action and break stereotypes. however, it is much easier said than done. the stereotypes that are passed down from generation to generation are either rejected and become racial tolerance, or they are accepted and become racial discrimination. example: the american south. many of the whites there choose to accept the stereotype that asians speak in "ching chong" and are all geeks. however, in a place such as, oh, vancouver, stereotypes act more as the basis for humour (see: peters, russell).

    as for your "what's the difference" question, I am not going to repeat the reasons again. please reread the whole thing on "not identifying with cultural template," "rap and hip hop culture being glorified in music videos", "perpetuated stereotypes" and basically everything else I've said.

    from an economic standpoint, it's basically 1800's globalization, not a simple "f*cking the world over". the way the brits saw it, it benefitted them because their personal interests were catered to by labourers whose lives frankly didn't matter to other brits. if something went wrong overseas, they weren't going to complain to the unions - in fact, there wouldn't be any unions for overseas labourers to complain to. cheap labour overseas making products efficiently to support the motherland. great for the economy, not so much for human rights.

    slavery has a much larger impact than you would appear to assume. you are completely missing the point with "practicing a similar arts to voodoo." this isn't the point at ALL. the point is that because african culture was different from the whites, unlike the white australians, white americans chose to suppress any aspect of african culture. why? it was simply unfit for america in the 1800s. it was unfit for society because, at the time, slaves did not have the same status as law-abiding citizens. white americans didn't WANT black culture to co-exist. this is a matter of completely disregarding a culture, not just "please don't practice voodoo, it's scaring the neighbours."

    in australia, the aborigine culture co-existed with the british one. during the slavery days of the united states, african culture gradually degraded. if blacks were caught doing something other than serving caucasian interests, expect some kind of lynching.

    I didn't say that black culture was JUST hip hop and rap. I clearly noted examples from african nomadic peoples, ancient african kingdoms and the "masai people of kenya." I myself think the african-american (not to be confused with the african culture, since you didn't even imply that there was a difference. which there is.) culture is primitive, but I'm just pointing the logical fallacies of why you think it's wrong to see a black person and an asian person together.
  9. yumdedumjenn

    yumdedumjenn Well-Known Member

    wow you did your research
  10. wheezo

    wheezo Well-Known Member

    nothing wrong with black and asians... or white and asians which i see more often than blacks. I'd just mumble... damn white ppl taking all our girls... lol jkjk

    i have never seen an asian guy with a black girl... =P
    it's cuz asian girls are hotter...
  11. compliant

    compliant Well-Known Member

    and in protest, you'll make a movie by the name of, oh, yellow fever.
  12. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    eh... asian has to be asian they just cant be like from india or something
  13. yumdedumjenn

    yumdedumjenn Well-Known Member

    actually my friend is dating a black girl...
  14. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    I dont think im gettin my point across. Its not about relating to cultural templates. aborigines relate to their culture perfectly and yet there are a high amount of them going through drug and alchol abuse. On the contrary there are aborigines who either relate to their culture and succeed in education or they dont relate to their culture and still succeed. If you have a chance to stop by at a book store, i suggest you find a book written by Sally Morgan. It tells her life as growing up as an Aborigine in an Australian society.

    The africans / african americans aint taking action to break them. Everywhere i see in Perth, i see africans comforming to the gangster lifestyle and tbh, Australians not only myself but others find it inappropiate because Australia isnt like America where hip hop is part of the mainstream american culture (Australian values being mentioned here). Us asians are trying hard to break the negative stereotype in Hollywood and on tv but blacks either conform to the stereotype or just ignore it. Its not good to stereotype ppl but the blacks aint doing anything about it, thats the thing. [/quote]

    The aborigines can practice their culture all they want and why? Because they way they practiced wasn't "dark". It is rather fascinating non the less, and also in my opinion but the african one is voodoo, is often pretty disturbing. I'll be surprised if you think it isnt. Besides, the Australian government refused to ignore aborigines like the blacks until the late 1960s where they were given the rights to vote. Before the 1960s like US, they werent given the status as law abiding citizens but yet i reiterate the fact they are allowed to practice their culture.

    Exactly, culture is primitive and if it aint primitive then there is no culture at all. Culture can be established as - fascinating and rich (like asia), civil (europeans) or no cultural history or primitive (african americans / africans). Why would an asian with a rich cultural background go out with a black person? they can produce a kid and inject them with two cultural backgrounds but ask yourself this. The asian mother can teach their kids about the history of china, korea and japan depending on their background. Or tell them the fascinating cultural events like chinese new year, horangi arirang or the cherry blossom festival. That is speaking from the asian side.

    Now the farther / mother from the African american point of view, what can they teach their children? How from their blood line was suppressed up by whites? Make them listen to hip hop music and learn the word "ho" or "pimp" at the ages of 13? Make them join the black panthers and blow up white established neighbourhoods? Why not make teach them how to be an ill mannered lady, or a lady who walks around like a harlot if she happens to a female. Or likewise treat women like a sex object if they're a male. (My mate got into a fight with an african because he slapper his gf on the arse. And that aint the first case either). Now the african one. What can the parent teach their kid with a primitive cultural background. Imo, its better off not knowing that side of the family.

    That is why i see a huge contrast between asians and blacks. A primitive / no cultured one in relations with one with a 1000 years established culture. Me and my mates see things realistically and i can tell you non of them find an asian dating a black as being "normal" and they're either asian or white...mostly asian.-^_^

    If you ask me, Eurasians are just gorgeous and "Blasians" imo are on the contrary. Dont take this literally but its like asking- Do you prefer Leah Dizon / Lisa Fleming to "blasians" like Cassie / Crystal Kay? The answer would be obvious wouldnt it? If however a Blasians try to simulate in the asian community do you think for a second that they will be 100% accepted? Humans are rational and they judge people on according to their "face value". At least the asian community could find more acceptance for an Eurasian because the asian features are prominently noticeable.

    In turn because of shunning in the asian culture on the "blasian", he or she might turn away from the asian side and embrace the african / african american one which would either be primitive or having non at all.

    this is quite an interesting and a mature discussion that you drawn up here. :)
  15. compliant

    compliant Well-Known Member

    It somehow seems as though I'm still not getting my point across. Most, if not all, defections to alcohodrug lifestyles derive from a lack of relevance to a cultural template. What you imply by saying "aborigines relate to their culture perfectly" is that all aborigines respect their culture, but many go into alcoholism, therefore culture-respecting aborigines (p) drink alcohol frequently (q). Conversely, according to this logic, if an aborigine drinks alcohol frequently, it must have to do with the fact that they are respecting their culture parallel to their alcoholic actions. What you are saying, then, from a logical standpoint, is that if p leads to q, then q entails p. Not the case. Let's look at this from a logical sense. If I were to make a venn diagram of aborigines and alcoholics, there is an overlapping area between alcoholics and aborigines. What you are solely focussing on is the overlapping area. I am focussing on all three (as pointed out above, yet again, through the examples of blacks who do well in school, and a new example of white alcoholics - a member of the "alcoholics" set, but not of the "aborigines" set. Even in the overlapping area between "aborigines" and "alcohol", we can derive two more venn diagrams. The set of Alcoholics would be a subset of the set of Alcohol drinkers, both of which intersect the set of Culture-abiding aborigines. In a real life scenario, from the perspective of the culture-abiding set there would be overlapping areas between Alcohol drinkers and Culture-abiding aborigines, but a smaller overlapping area between alcoholics and culture-abiding aborigines. The implications of this is that many aborigines drink alcohol, but fewer, if any, culture-abiding aborigines are alcoholiics. The venn diagram you imply with the culture-abiding group is that either the alcoholics subset is entirely ignored ("aborigines abide by culture and drink alcohol") or that the alcoholic subset seems to be identical to the alcohol drinker set, which, again, is faulty logic.

    Let's move on to the non-culture abiding group. In your perspective, this group is a null set because it has no members ("aborigines relate to their culture perfectly" without exception). This couldn't be further from the truth. No culture has all of its members identifying perfectly with its template. The set of non-adherence intersects the two alcohol sets (alcohol drinkers and alcoholics, the latter of which is a subset of the former) in the same way as the culture-abiding group, but the area between alcoholics and non-adherence is noticeably larger. That is to say, more alcoholics are also individuals who fail to relate to their culture perfectly.

    Again, Not all aborigines relate to their culture perfectly, as much as not all blacks drop out of high school, and not all native americans live alcoholic lifestyles. The aborigines that don't relate well to their culture go into an alcoholic lifestyle. I've stated before, and I'll reiterate it here, the ones that go into drugs are doing so because they fail to find their cultural templates to be relevant, or they don't feel like they match the cultural template. Ironically, as they immerse themselves into the underground cultural, they develop more commonalities with their new cultural template. The more they find in common with it (i.e. identify), the greater the tendency will be to stick with it. That's why drug dealers stick to their drug dealing - because they know why people do it, and relate well to how the dynamics of drug dealing works. If they don't identify with the dynamics of the criminal world, they'll try to come clean. (Wacquant, 1498-1500) Another suggested reading - a literature review by Loic Wacquant called "Scrutinizing the street: Poverty, Morality and the pitfalls of urban ethnography." May 2002 edition of the American Journal of Sociology, pages 1468-1532. Although the paper deals mostly with how life on the streets can develop into a full fledged social system, it does explain how and why people go out onto the streets.

    Life as an aborigine? (laughs loudly) I'll point out the fact, again, that she reflected on her cultural template fine; the ones that didn't - well, you don't see many of those writing books. Suggest me to read Sally Morgan? I suggest you to read a paper (end of page 1 to top of page 2) to understand what a cultural template is. Hey, it's even relevant for you, because it was written by an Australian researcher. From your responses, it's become clear to me you don't seem to comprehend the social ramifications of neglecting a cultural template, and the effects that a cultural template has on ANY person.

    Yes, and this is along the same lines of Chinese and Korean parents teaching their children about how cruel the Japanese were in WWII. This is why Canadian Black History Month exists.

    Do white people teach their kids to be racist towards others? Do they teach kids to become rappers like Eminem, or play basketball like (insert white player in the NBA here) ? Do they tell their kids, go be a rock star because it earns you money despite its low success rate? It's along the same lines as asking, as you did, if black parents teach their kids to hate the white man. Many of these statements are found in media sources. As you know, black television tends to use the word "ho" and "pimp" - ironically, to reach the younger generation. It's a cycle where kids think it's ok to use "ho" and "pimp" if the TV stations are using. The TV stations are only using it because they think kids will like it if they use their lingo. Manners are, to a certain degree, taught by all parents. Now you ask, what about disfunctional families? It's not so much manners; the "certain degree" I am referring to is that all parents have expectations of their children. If a child fits the expectations of a parent, the parent will be proud. All parents want to see their children succeed. No AIDS-stricken parent in Africa wants to see his/her child go uncured, if they know that a cure exists (as you know, a viable one still doesn't exist.)

    The lack of manners that you perceive is a situation in which parents become permissive to the media- and peer-influenced behaviour that the child indulges in (another suggested reading: Edward L. Deci's Why We Do What We Do). If the parent had controlled the child through punishment if his/her values were not met (e.g. if a child kicks someone and the parent doesn't think it's right, so the parent beats the kid), then that just undermines the child's ability to integrate "not kicking" with his or her values and beliefs. if the child is simply punished every time his or her action is not congruent with a parental value, he will be less (not to be confused with "not") capable of thinking for himself, and will be less capable of integrating situations and matching it with his own personal beliefs. (suggested reading: Deci & Ryan, "Self-regulation and the problem of human autonomy : Does psychology need choice, self determination and will?" Journal of Personaliity. Dec. 2006.) Now in the case of permissibility, the parent just lets the kid do what he wants. Kicking another kid? Oh, go ahead, says the permissive parent. Permissibility and control are both detrimental forms of reinforcement: they prevent the child from integrating situations with their values, and result in children doing things "only because their parents tell them to" (control) or "because I want to disobey everything my parents say" (permissibility). This results in "bad etiquette" because their social environment permitted them to disobey societal norms and, as you said, beat wives and hate on white people.

    Actually, opinion varies. However attractive mixed girls may be, I show disdain - only when it comes to dating - towards all mixed girls for their impure blood, and thus would never even think of dating a mixed girl.

    You'd be surprised at the number of blasians who go to Chinese school in Canada (at mine, there were at least five). They get accepted by their asian families just fine, so long as they know and respect the language and culture.

    From my viewpoint, this isn't "interesting" or "mature" at all. It's becoming more of a way for me to get a heart attack, just from being irritated at people who don't seem to get it. The less you understand, the more frustrated I become about this entire thread.
    #75 compliant, Aug 17, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2007
  16. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    #76 Kachi_no_Kemuri, Aug 18, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2007
  17. compliant

    compliant Well-Known Member

    Except in this thread, we're talking about blacks i.e. african-americans, african-canadians, african-australians, etc. Not the aborigines. I didn't say "all aborigines are drinkers". I said that in your example, you said that aborigines being alcoholics has nothing to do with cultural identity. It does.

    By "relate well", I mean to all relevant cultures that are present in an individual's given social situation. For example, your aborigine friend would be subject to both aborigine cultures and the "white" australian culture. if one cannot find a way to abide by the constraints and values of either culture, then you get the drugs and alcohol lifestyle. for example, HYPOTHETICALLY, if your friend were to not relate well to the aborigines, but fine to the rest of australian culture, he would live life using australian values, pursuing australian goals (e.g. get a job, buy a nice car, etc. etc.). If your friend were to not relate well to white australia, he could stay in an aboriginal community, and, hypothetically, be respected for his skill in teaching kids how to play the djideridoo. But if he can't relate to how white australia works (e.g. failing classes, yelling at bosses), or how aborigine australia works (e.g. he's shunned by the community for his actions), then where would he be able to go? One thing people tend to do is go to a bar and drink their worries away. The more depressed one becomes about his or her life, the more alcohol is consumed. That's how "not identifying with cultural templates" works.

    Wow, apparently you're too good for a referenced paper. I can find a slew of other papers just for you through print publications, but you're either going to flaunt your so-called "superiority" or you're just going to say that every university on the face of the earth aside from whatever institutions you deem "credible" is not worth trusting. Of course, I can tell that you didn't even read the paper, let alone click on it because you'd see that the author is from the University of Technology Sydney, not the Uni of NSW, who just happens to keep the file on their servers.

    Any self-respecting Chinese person gives a damn about his or her history, including World War 2 atrocities.

    This is not the same thing as actual slavery. If I had a job, I'd think my boss was a slave driver too.

    You know what? Actually we do bitch about the head tax. And you know what? We got compensated by the Federal Government, so yeah, we actually do care about the racial suppression we go through. Same with the United States. Some radio DJ made fun of Asians getting killed by the Tsunami. A Chinese politician stepped up (John Liu, he's the man) and demanded action from the radio station. The DJs were suspended indefinitely.

    That's due to individual differences in values. Some asians do little to break their stereotypes (e.g. they don't actively try to improve their English, they play starcraft for 20 hours a day). Some blacks do try to break their stereotypes (e.g. by becoming doctors). As for the answer to your question, what do the blacks do? They become politicians, and take action. Canada's current governor general also happens to be black; that's not something that can just be said as a form of inaction.

    To each his own. I don't like mixed girls for my reasons, no matter how stunningly attractive they are. You do. That's great for you, because you get more girls to choose from. As for being rejected, I've never even conjured up the thought of approaching a eurasian for dating simply because I am not willing to date a eurasian, ever. Simple as that. For me, it's just a case of family values. My parents like to keep the bloodlines pure, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Furthermore, this is a personal sidenote, but I'm not allowed to date before I'm 30, so any dating or confrontation before then is strictly out of the question. Sure, it's laughworthy, but that's my lifestyle for the next 8 years.

    It is ridiculous because it is rare, and because of the presuppositions that you postulated earlier in the thread.

    My objective in replying to your post was to point out that it's not a simple matter of "oh, blacks are too primitive to understand the richness of chinese culture". There are also other factors that contribute to the difference in culture, with regards to social history in both north america and australia. I'm not going to continue elaborating on cultural templates because I think it's pretty clear, due to your declared preference for medicine, that you have never taken a university-level course in social psychology, and thus, I can't expect to debate things further in a social psychology context.
    #77 compliant, Aug 18, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2007
  18. Kachi_no_Kemuri

    Kachi_no_Kemuri Well-Known Member

    Wrong, you argued that earlier in your examples.

    Would you read an inexperienced journalist who happens so to publish a paper, would you still read it? Some uni's are bs. Australia aint like Canada where "ALL" the unis are in "grand status". -cool2

    The day you can tell me to be prejudiced towards my asian brothers is the day i say to you any self-respecting chinese who gives a damn about their race and dont want the gene pool to be defiled or where another race leaves a dirt mark that cant be breeded (aka bleached) out.

    Please dont feed me your "northern china mentality beliefs". I thank you, but its ashame that it doesnt mean anything to me.

    Bosses treat people with respect obviously. The blacks just whinge like girls. If an asian and a black was hired by a white manager, im sure the manager will treat them both with equal respect. The black will just go to the corner and cry.

    Yeah you american asians bitch, but do you guys go out like blacks though? Moan about how the world is always against them. you and i are chinese and im sure we have very thick skins. We can take a slurring. Blacks aint.

    And in relevance to John Liu, i praise SOME work he has done. But his recent action on telling Dj Star off cause of his racist antics on another dj's wife who happens to be jamaican, chinese and scottish is ridiculous. She is outbreeded and doesnt harbour our features thus she aint asian anymore. A fall from our race or likewise a lost cause. Besides im sure she is laughing at John now.

    And the radio dj makin fun of the asian in relevance of the tsunami is a black cow. "miss jones". Wikipedia it.

    How many asians do you see have high status in politics? John Liu is the highest position as far as i know when it comes to politics.
    As well how many blacks won a noble prize compared to an asian. No i aint arguing who is supreme. But if blacks want to break stereotypes they need to work ALOT harder.

    Ok, sure, your parents fed your mentality to keep our blood pure. Yet it doesnt even shift you when a black and an asian dates? When an asian and a black dates, the characteristic of the asian trait in the locus is wiped out. No matter how many times the "blasian" marries an asian, the africanism is still there.

    At least dating eurasians, the asian characteristic cant be taken away.

    Being ridiculous and rare are two different entities. Its like saying someone is wearing clown pants as part of their fashion lifestyle. You cant postulate that it is ridiculous because its rare. Come on man. Be REALISTIC!

    Dont bother, we are discussing from a social stand point of view. And imo it is about "oh, blacks are too primitive to understand the richness of chinese culture". Chinese are more compassionate towards their offspring, hell, any asians are compassionate towards their offspring more so than westerners and blacks. As far as i can recall, Blacks are cowards when they knock up a girl. They run off and leave the chic alone.

    A best friend of mine whose white, got impregnated by a scum, and she told him about and he ran off and never to be heard from again. She now undergoes a hard decision on havin an abortion. She aint the only case.

    A vietnamese girl got knocked and the bastard took off. she single handly raised the child by herself.

    With whites, as far as i can say from 6 cases they all married their asian counterparts when they got impregnanted. The fact that they didnt keep their legs close is a reason obviously, but it shows to races and their response to commitment.
    #78 Kachi_no_Kemuri, Aug 24, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2007
  19. ^hmm u seem to be real racist without even realising it but that's your choice. maybe you should find a black guy and tell him what you think, no point bottling it up inside cus that will make u a coward. oh well were all entitled to our own opinion.
    #79 master_g, Aug 24, 2007
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2007
  20. Retsyo

    Retsyo Well-Known Member

    I'm white, and I always thought my boyfriend would be white too, but I got a Chinese boyfriend instead, kinda unexpected, but I love him. I actually find him better than the white guys I know of, he's more caring and reserved.