Probably badminton....professional players hardly last over 30 years of age due to the physical demand of the game.. Mentally you need to be very strong as well....
well it depends on how much efforts you wants to put into it. Badminton can be demanding but when playing against my lil sis I don't break a sweat. Also the position you are playing also plays a role (in a team sport). The keeper in soccer runs just few secs a times and some times don't even need to do anything in a easy fight (imagine Barcelona against some 3. division team). The same could applied for the kicker position in american football. Of course some sports are more demanding then other. Marathon (if I remember correct the first one running the distance from Marathon to Athen died after he passed the message to the king), and I heard the ski+shooting ppl (don't remember the name) have some of the best hearts and kondi numbers in world
Your gonna laugh at this but Ithink pro (fake) wrestling like wwf. With the amount of days they work and the getting slammed on the mat is no easy task.
There is no answer to the question, some are naturals for what we consider to be hard and the sport they consider to be hardest may be what we find easier. Its down to the person, not the sport
american camp...injuires every week...u need to also remember all the plays from the playbook...need to put it all out for one day each week....nothing comes close
Have to agree with Master G. There is no right answer to this. Some of sports like Mountain Climbing or Motorsports can be pretty demanding.
Irish football to me is far more a physical sport than rugby union.. you have to watch it and see for yourself
for me i must say wrestling... even tho some people might not consider it a sport but it is very high in demand cuase then people want to learn about the business and want to learn if its actually real or fake.. just like MMA ..
Hockey is the most demanding sport since you are skating at 100% most of the time. Plus it's a contact sport with injuries all the time.
I would throw golf into the mix. A lot of people who haven't tried it thinkgs its a joke, but ones who have tried on the course (not the driving range) would think differently. To play 18 holes carrying your clubs and have the whole body synchronized to execute a shot with the mental game to put yourself together after a good or bad shot..takes a lot.
i think the sport with the most break in the least play time like earlier mentioned boxing... Why??? I shall explain because when you go on the boxers will be to tyred out to go on i mean that is why they need many breaks. it is to demanding to continue in a long term stretch. Soccer has only one break in the game because it is not demanding enough to put more in it. Don´t attack me pls but soccer is demanding but not that really that is why only one break time is enough + they play with 11 guys/girls so it is a shared bussines. + i think demanding is not the same as endurance many sports has endurance like F1 or cycling but i don´t think that is demanding.
Rock climbing. It's both physically and mentally demanding. The physical aspects of it are quite obvious but the mental aspects such as planning a strategic route and the constant battle with the fear of falling are often overlooked. @OP: You consider badminton demanding? It's only demanding because you make it demanding. Hell, walking can be demanding too, it just depends on how you look at it.
id definately say boxing. the amount of fitness you need. and strength. mentally you have to keep control of your fear for the opponenet, and not let anger overpower you. you have to keep calm and pick the shots you can make, think about ur attack and defence at the same time. all the while being smashed really really hard.