All the same practically >.< Don't know if that's good or not. Something I'm not looking forward to pops into my head the day before and ruins my mood thinking about how to deal with it tomorrow.
it depends on my schedule. right now, i would go with tuesday. it's the only day i have off. no classes and work. work thinks i'm in school so they don't schedule me to work. good day to do absolutely nothing. sleep and eat. wonderfulness!!!
Thursday!!! That way i can start planning for my weekend...and somtimes, even a 3 to 4 day weekend!!!!
ITs all about friday -worship because its the end of a long week and i can stay up later. Its also the start of the weekend, carefree!!
I like Sundays as its the best day to sleep in and do whatever I want, but I hate Saturdays as I've gotta work on Saturdays
I like Friday so I can sleep in on Saturday and I do not to have to worry about having have to get up early on Monday for another day.
Definitely Friday, it just makes me feel relaxed most of the time. I don't like Sunday nights, Mondays, and Thursdays.