what exactly do you not understand? the thing is.. of course God has a role for each of us. a role that's fitted best for our talents, our abilities and our skills. but the thing is (evidently) a lot of people choose other roles. they don't want the role God's given/set out for them. so when you say "... just playing in the role he's made for us" that's not entirely true. TMU. to my understanding. hey, "i guess you can't figure out this ... life i've been thru", some of us have gone through similar (if not the exact same) situations as you with the same feelings as you. and i won't deny it, yeah, i've thought about suicide before. but that didn't really bring me anywhere. i think of it as a very selfish act. i mean, what would happen to all your friends, all your loved ones? i don't want my loved ones going through anguish just because i didn't think i could handle my life and killed myself. that's why i pray to God. to ease some of this stuff off my chest. i'll admit i haven't been through the exact same situations as you have been/still are going through but i'm sure i've felt that same helplessness/hopelessness. i just wanna say, don't give up. and look towards the future. and if you so feel the urge to, look toward God. if you want to, just earnestly say to God "hey, i'm having trouble with my life. can you help me?" i'm not guaranteeing anything. it's merely a suggestion. i'm glad you still talk to your mom (although physically you're apart from her). i have a friend. who's just a teenager. my friend's mom goes drinking whenever it pleases her to. what's left for my friend to do? take care of herself and take care of her mom (when she's done drinking). in addition to school (finishing hmwk). and taking care of her younger siblings (who have sinced moved). i can't imagine growing up without my entire family together. i'm glad you're concerned about your brother. he's not in debt is he? there's always a silver lining. IMO. you can disagree if you like.
my religion is buddhism and i know a fair bit of it coz of influence from parents...which is not a bad thing, since once u actually sit down and listen to some of the stories and philosophy within...it's actually very interesting and it teaches u a lot of things too. other religions? i don't mind...just try not to convert me coz its annoying esp those guys who comes knocking at my door.