Is hubjub a medical student ? Yes he is right , we asians tend to get drunk more easily becoz 50 % of us are (Slow acetylators) ie we breakdown alcohol more slowly compared to the other races.
i binge drink and usually down a lot buh i get purple after like 1 shot`` buh i don't get drunk worse i was realli tipsy after 700ml of Jack Daniels..never gotten a hangover before`` dats cos i try not to sleep haha =] love` mon
i go red just after one sip but i don't get tipsy and start talking lots until after 6 or 7 glasses... hehe -smileb
Must be the Irishman in me, because it takes me awhile to get drunk. I'm not a big guy either so I really have no explanation for it.
i heard asians have a gene that does not allow them to tolerate much, no jk. I can put down bout 8-10 bottles of heineken. 6-8 if i take shots
my first time i really drank, i had 7 shots before i passed out no puking either but as time has passed, my tolerance has gone down now i'm at 4 shots before i have to stop did i ever mention i'm a small girl of 115pds 7 shots, holy crap
i think how much time in between drinks matter cause over the weekend one day i had 8 shots of gray in about 1 hour and i was shit faced drunk already. two nites b4 that i had about 15 drinks, mixed in a 4 hour time frame and i wasn't as drunk as the 8 shots.
haha my chinese mate just had a load of pre going out drinks, he was so red his white shirt became pink -lol
None I have no tolerance what so ever I go straight from drinking to passing out, miss the whole buzz then drunk then puking part....
i can take about 1.5 beers per hr for about 3 hrs then i gotta stop for a while or ill start to feel sik. pretty bad tolerance
How would one go abojut measuring their alcohol tolerances? I never really been drunk before, but then again I didn't drink enough to get to that point.
By drinking, when you start walking funny you're tipsy. When you start asking yourself 'what the hell am I doing' but you keep doing it anyway then you're drunk. But its kind of hard to gauge because it also depends on how much time passes between drinks. You could have 15 shots in the course of 3 hours, or 5 in one hour.