lol, i think in english & toi-san =p my parents & i speak toi-san & english at home most of the time.xD
I usually think in english, but when im talkin to my parents, sometimes i'll think in chinese cuz they speak to me in chinese.
i think of french and chinese since i was born in france and chinese bc i like to speak chinese, and english just sometimes when i have to write an essay or smthg like dat
It used to be only english but the more I watch chinese movies or listen to songs, the more it has been chinese the past few years. Even at work sometimes where it's all american english environment I've started to notice that I will start to respond in chinese to my bosses before stopping myself and realizing they will not understand.
Majority of the time I think in English as I'm surrounded by it. But when I go Hong Kong, my canton skills improve dramatically.. its magic! Still can't read or write tho :(
Hmmm. With logics I mainly think with English, but with numbers I think in Mandarin instead. Since I leanred basic maths in Mandarin it just comes to me in Mandarin. ^^~
me too!! LOL! surprisingly, if i spend enough time in hongkong, my cantonese gets so good it shocks me even -lol
i think in german 'cause it's my mother tongue sometimes i think in english but just when i'm writing to friends in english
I voted for thinking mostly in another language... but when I think about it... I am a mix between Chinese and English... but most of the time it's in English... so... yeah... if my Chinese was better, I'd think more in Chinese... Hey, I swear at people in Chinese though... that counts for something... =P