heart of greed best selling secrets desperate housewives i'm up to date with the hk series airing time cuz i dl right away ^^
Time for me to update what im watching! hahaha! CHINESE CHANNEL-UK: 真情 - Kindred Spirit 花木蘭 - A Tough Side of a Lady 高朋滿座 - Welcome to the House 火舞黃沙 - The Dance of Passion 鐵血保鏢 - Safe Guards 妙手仁心 - Healing Hands 窈窕熟女 - Women On The Run 情迷黑森林 - The Gâteau Affairs DOWNLOADED: 溏心風暴 - Heart of Greed 師奶兵團 - Family Link 轉角遇到愛 - Corner With Love Woah! I didnt reliase I watch all them!!! >_<
同事三分親 trying to finish off 溏心風暴 watch the occasional 殘酷一叮 wen its out hoping to finally complete 轉角遇到愛 guess if time permits, rewatch 惡魔在身邊 cos i missed out the final ep >< bits n pieces of 東方茱麗葉 wen mums watches that and guess i shold start 師奶兵團 cos its nearly all out =/
Finishing up on Heart of Greed. Still watching Best Selling Secrets, and I think The family link aint my kinda series lol!
I just finished Hana Kimi(tawanese with ELLA) now i'm on Pasta (tawanese) and TVB Welcome to the House
I am currently watching The Family Link 師奶兵團 (just the first episode) Heart of Greed 溏心風暴 (Just finished) Best Selling Secrets 同事三分親 (halfway there)
hehehe* and me. Im upto date with the tvb series thats airing in hk, i only d/l if i think it'll be good. I'm also upto date with the tvb series thats showing in uk too. hahaha*
UPDATE!!! LOL TVB-UK STILL WATCHING- 真情 - Kindred Spirit 花木蘭 - A Tough Side of a Lady 高朋滿座 - Welcome to the House 火舞黃沙 - The Dance of Passion 窈窕熟女 - Women On The Run 情迷黑森林 - The Gâteau Affairs NEW SERIES: 溏心風暴 - Heart of Greed 人間蒸發 - Into Thin Air [starting tonight] 鑑證實錄 - Untraceable EvidenceI DOWNLOADED: 學警出更 - On the First Beat
omg....i am so slow in watching, but i'm following MANY..lol one litre of tears 一公升的眼泪 15/16 beautiful cooking show 美女廚房 deal or no deal 一掷千金 minutes to fame 2 & 3 殘酷一叮 heart of greed 溏心風暴 best selling secrets 同事三分親 A Change of destiny 天機算 The Family Link 師奶救兵 Sailor Moon Live Action....
i'm currently watching on the first beat. it's so good and i think it's a little better than the academy.
Only watching On the first beat and Best Selling Secrets at the moment.. wonder if any new ancient drama series coming out soon?