watch some porn movies and see how they do it and try new things on sex for me usually happens during trips when your not at home in the same maybe u need a a weekend trip and spend some alone time
other than sex it was many other thing that concern about, like care of each other daily matter, the filling of partner. if that is not the case , then i suggest use some toys, to satisfy partner.
just tell your partner your not satisfied and you want them to do blah blah to you, thats what the point in being in a relationship is to open up 2 each other..
Soemtimes I question the same thing. Would it be wrong to sexually satisfy yourself? It would be considered cheating, rite? Well I think you should hav a talk with your partner...=/ theres no real easy way thru this
I personally think sex is very important, if your not satisfy with your sex life, it will just bring your relationship down due to the fact that will you be frustrated a lot. Should always try new things to spice it up, im the type to get bored easily and i always try spicing it up whether its using toys or costumes.
If she's not doing all those "naughty" things that you expect from a "pro", I mean "prostitute", then she's a good girl. No guy is so "chic magnet" that she will do what the pro does for a living. She simply won't! It's a pipe dream! Get over it. That's what the internet is for. She is to keep you company like listening to you. So, don't just listen to you "thing".
Though open communication is always the best policy, but how about if the man not able to satisfy the lady? Wouldn't they feel intimidated if the lady initiated the talk?? As it is seems common among people that man wanting sex more than woman. But should the lady do if it is the other way round?
talk to your partner... dont start look around before you've talked first. and the topic a bit strange. are u in that position or are u curious of what other thinks?