^dood liek she totally waz using u. okay to be more serious, maybe she was trying to mind fuck you like all girls do (especially angs *cough). If she was in it for the visa she would've tried marry you but maybe she was using you for the last 6 months for a place to live? To hide from her parents? Well that's what i got from the story. I mean she totally said she was open for another relationship, thats a good indication that this long distance relationship might be over. If you really care about the relationship and you have time maybe actually go there and find out. 6 months is a pretty long time and if she was really playing you all that time, that is just cruel.
When you talked about visa, i immediately thought of Hak's story, why are there so many guys falling into the trap despite knowing in advance. I think you should just move on. *shakes head with sympathy*