what would you do if you died and went to an eternal hell

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by master_g, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. wow, you seem like a very high strung guy :), every time you read what i type and it offends you, remember, i dont mean to offend you and im not saying anything bad about you. adn please remember, this is a discussion not an argument or some kind of holy war.

    i wasnt implying you went a crap school, a bit of a misunderstanding, u must also take note of the word 'maybe', i guess i put it accross wrong. if u can point out were i said you learned everything wrong ill greatly appretiate it. i was trying to say the teachers never teach you about hell because you were to young, maybe it would scare a young child. why do you take it as an attack on your intellect, as a christian i have no intention in attacking you, thats not my reason for being here. you say i shoot you down... were do i do that, i never mention you religion once.

    for you to say that hell was created is to say that everything conserning Jesus is a lie, he died to save us from hell, did he die for nothing or did he not die at all, was that created by the crusaders.

    has any of the books youve read presented a version of the bible without mention of having to accept Jesus to avoid hell? and would i be correct in assuming these authors were possibly atheist or against christianity and the reality of hell?

    im not sure if your gona take great offence at the next sentnce but here goes.......
    please chill out, im not here to offend you, nobody has offended anybody so far, we/I wont make an acception to offend you. please keep this in mind when you read my future posts. God bless :)
  2. Read "path of the masters". i cant explain it any better.

    as for my behavior from earlier, let me apologize. its been an extremely frustrating day for me, and any small thing can offend. forgive me.
  3. Lilydream

    Lilydream Well-Known Member

    OMg ..;) .i think someone should close this thread..because now it turn to a really big war..

    but well..this is really interesting what u guys say ...

    and then talking about religion is never easy..especially with someone who don't have the same... but it doesn't mean that this is impossible..because if we really look in the depth of all the religion we will see how similar they are .. no matter which religion is: buddhist, christian, islam, etc.. in all of these u have a god and someone in the earth who was send to teach human the way to choose and the way to apply it (rules, beliefs,..)..and this is the same thing for hell and heaven...this is just human fault if ppl keep fighting about religion..because we all see it different and don't interpret it in the same way..but just take time and think about it and u will admit the fact that how similar we are...that's why don't destroy other beliefs like faith because it won't help ... and just talking about it and exchange our point of view is always nice....

    u khnow (sorry to say that) but when i read this thread it always make me laugh..because it have a lot of misundertanding between us..and then u guys start to do what history show..fighting!!.. and isn't want we want to avoid?....
    but well..i khnow that it's not easy to understand the way that the other person think and follow it ..that's why stop be offensed by everything..and just try to explain why u are disagree...all of us are not stupid and certainly no more a child..that's why it should be more easy for us to talk about that...we all go to school and khnow how to read and to looking for information...u khnow what make ppl different from each other?...this is the fact that we can think by ourselves and khnow to make their own opinion..and this is why we are different from animal..because they khnow to think!!!

    Master_g i khnow that u was in a christian school and u want to share ur khnowledges about ur religion but this is true that soemtimes what u say can offend ppl who are not christian..because it seem that u are superior..and i khnow that this is not ur intention..but just u should bbe more carefull about the way u say it...
    And Dann..maybe u have a bad day ( i won't ask u then how was ur speech..) but well it's not a reason to be mad and be rude like that...
    and about me i khnow that like master _g i need to choose better my word before say something .. then i can avoid misunderstanding...:D

    P.S: if i died and go to the hell..i will bring my friend with me too..because then i won't get bored there:D
  4. ^ yea i realize that and i regret it. like i said, i want to apologize for my behavior.. very shameful on my part.
  5. dann, i fully accept your apology, its cool :), yeah one of the things i find hard is putting my belief accross when people have other beliefs because it can hurt or upset them. it can be a sensitive matter.

    [little background]
    i never been to a christian school, just a normal one with mixed faiths, im 23 now, raised in a non-christian houshold and i became a christian when i was about 17 without interference from my parents, so it was totally my choice and a desision as i was at an age when i was able to think for myself.
  6. softbaked007

    softbaked007 Active Member

    Well if it is eternal hell, I don't think there's anything you can do about it except suffer the consequences, you did some bad shit during your life so your screwed I hope stealing candy as a kid doesn't make you end up in eternal hell.
  7. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    with all tht heat make popcorn!
  8. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Well it's kind of a contradiction question... What can you possible do if you are send to enternal hell, I don't think you can actually do anything other then "Burn"?
  9. There's nothing i can do if i'm stuck in hell. lol. It's eternity.
  10. lol, i meant how would you feel, obviously you coudnt do anything about it,
  11. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    @AC: LOL, your rhetoric is funny somehow (I have a feeling I may be of the few who is laughing right now) but yeah, burn.

    I still don't think I will consider otherwise if given the chance. Having a faith just to avoid the punishing hell is THE HYPOCRISY I most despise. I would burn to eternity rather than committing it myself.
  12. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    Eternal hell is like living forever.. so I guess I will be working from 9 to 5 everyday.. go home.. surf the net.. visit PA.. sleep.. wake up go to work... forever. >.<
  13. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Dont think that by the time you get to heaven, u'll remember anything on the earthly life.
  14. seek the lord, find the lord and love the lord, thats the only way. you can say what you want but if you dont love God then you will go to hell, so the point you made doesn't stand cus its not possible. ive said it before and ill say it again, lets just wait and see.

    you must also understand that all humans DESERVE hell, they dont deserve to stand before the God of love, but remember that God is also a righteous judge, Gods love is being displayed as you read this know, right now you have a chance to turn to him, but will you take that chance........ when judgement comes you will in no way be able to give ANY excuses whatsoever.

    After judgement there will be two possible places for you to be, you will either be eternally with God and the rest of saved mankind or separated from God. that place away from God is hell and its bad. u can easily say u would rather burn while your not burning, im sure if someone put a gun to your head and said the only way to walk away would be to do something that is against your nature, im sure you would do it. and that is nothing compared to hell.
  15. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    whoaa.. okay. so.. uhh. i think it'll be great if everyone just answers the question and yeaaah. i've seen this happen before somewhere else: people ask an innocent question and start dissing each other's beliefs. like i said to hiake (i think) in the "Do you ppl believe in God" thread, we can share our beliefs and if other people see something truly worthwhile in our beliefs, then that's great. i can't use force.

    (@master_g): about something you said earlier, i just wanna clarify, accept Jesus in your life as Lord and Savior and umm.. maybe you don't have this intention but i guess your tone (as if you're debating) and the way you express your beliefs is what leads other people to believe that you want to fight them about different beliefs. it sounds like (to me) that you're trying to force Jesus into them. i'm a Christian as well and would like others to see the same truth i see, but not to get to that point by being condemning.

    sorry if i come off as wanting to debate and challenge your beliefs but i really want to just understand other beliefs as well. and if i sound offensive or anything like that, feel free to tell me

    @dann: is Buddha a god? umm.. yeah. just wondering what your beliefs are or what you're taught? and i'm interested in knowing what you learned while at that Christian school? i'm purely curious. feel free to ignore my request. and i hope that whatever has been said in this thread will not cause you to think of all Christians in one way; sorry if it sounds like i'm implying that you're close-minded, i just don't want any misunderstanding or specific judgments made because of this thread

    @hiake: about the "taking all human sins in his torment and will forgive human if one is willing to believe Him". (this is my interpretation of Jesus' death:) He died and already paid for our sins already by doing so. i don't think it's a matter of he'll forgive you only if you believe in Him. to me, this is in relation to the Last Judgment, when Jesus comes back and He'll either say "well done, good and faithful servant" or "get away from me, i never knew you". one can believe that Jesus died on the cross for his/her sins and repent of his/her sins and when that day comes, then God won't hold his/her sins against him/her because he/she repented and ask for forgiveness. (<-- but again, my opinion. i hope i don't sound offensive). and i understand what you mean when you say "Having a faith just to avoid the punishing hell" is hypocratic (idk if there's such a word.. but anyways, you know what i mean). i like to think (again, my interpretation) that my relationship with Jesus comes first and foremost. the fact that i am saved from hell (which i do believe exists) is a good thing, but not my motivation for maintaining a relationship with God.

    @ab289: i truly respect other beliefs as it is said, "to each one, his own". i'm glad you see that as an isolated case because really, i think that's absurd as well.. to cut ties off with your family. when i accepted God in my life, i saw it as an added family, God's family (other people in the church). and yes, i like the positive aspect of most beliefs teaching positive values in putting others first, etc but i suppose people get really offensive about personal beliefs because Christianity extends beyond just doing good deeds on earth but also emphasize having a relationship with God

    on the subject of "real Christianity": okaaaay, so the belief i have i accept as absolute truth. i interpret "real Christianity" as having a genuine relationship with God, as a friend, as a brother, as a heavenly Father.
  16. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ Yeah, I don't refute the possible existence of god/higher being, as I've said probably a million times on this sub-forum before. I just doubt the humanoid nature of it @_@b

    Your judgment is fair in saying atheists are being biasedly skeptical to God (and not receptive to his goodness), well, I see that the other side of the coin would be people with faith seldom doubt their faith (seldom, not never, because there ARE converts no matter how much we don't like it) such ambivolent bias towards religion/God would be a just cause to balance things out, I guess.

    However, religion and I started off on the wrong foot (repeatedly, meaning MULTIPLE times) because I was, well, condemned (welcomed?) to burn in hell for eternity due to my skepticism. I guess it's just my natural tendency to react negatively to such willful and determined verdict.

    So yeah, I guess I'd rather be truthful to myself and take the chance that I may burn in the hypothetical hell than to hypocritical and "have faith" just because I can avoid such eternal punishment. It's just something against my nature.

    In another thread, I was asked if I would do something against my nature when my life is at stake, I of course would say yes, but having faith doesn't look as imminent as having a gun pointed to my temple. So I must say I have to pass (on religion/faith) at this point in time, at the very least.
  17. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    ^ well, i'm glad that you're not hypocritical :) or try not to be. the world needs a lot less hypocrites and a lot more people of integrity.
  18. fair point but for me this is an urgent matter, its also something im not reallly able to tip toe about with, i can sugar coat what i type if i chose to but if i never get the message across then i would have failed at putting my massage across. i don't think i force Jesus on anyone, as i said in another post, i dont think Christianity should be forced on anyone. but one thing i will make clear is the utter fact that Jesus is the only way, thats one matter i wont mince my words with.

    ive been using these forums for a little while now, if i never genuinely care i wouldn't be here any more. were all adults here so i dont feel the need to start my posts with the usual "Oh please dont take it wrong, i dont mean to upset you etc etc", if people dont agree they will say and thats fine.

    YES!!! it true that i may sound like i am debating but as i said, to me it is a very urgent matter, im also quite sure people must have gotten used to my directness in my posts. but then again your range of emotion is quite limited when typing.

    now with that out of the way.....

    doesn't the bible say that the period of grace started when Jesus ascended to heaven and the period of grace ends when Jesus returns? Also remember the GREAT deception that is going to come upon this world, its so great the the bible makes it clear that many Christians will fall away too. also Jesus knows everyone heart, though i realy doubt it could ever work like that, IF it did then i doubt you would be able to develop a love for Jesus above all things in an instant, especially when you know that Jesus has returned to specifically reward the just and the unjust.
  19. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    ^i don't quite understand what you're trying to say? please clarify, thanks.
  20. taxi01

    taxi01 Active Member

    if you are already going to hell, then there's nothing else you can do but be punished based on your judgement...