Hmm my longest essay/report would be this 2 month experiment I did in biology which I had to write a 15 page lab report. It was mostly writing but there were a few graphs in there and some diagrams. It took me 2 weeks to gather all my information (at the libarry -_-) and 2 days to write it. I think I aced it even though I forgot to pick it up after my final exams.
8-10 page research essay for first year poli sci which i thought wasn't very bad...unless you leave everything til the last minute. Toughest part is finding the research info which in my case..takes forever
15 wrote it in 2 days... haha it was for one of my computer classes and i had to read like 4 books and do like research on it but like i totally forgot about it till the last minute.
Around 20 page-ish... if you ask about double spaced. 25 pages with footnote. Philosophy and sociology papers are fun ^o^