If you expect a thanks for opening a door then you shoudln't bother. Truly being nice and kind is performing good deeds without expecting anything in return. Think about it, are you being nice to make yourself feel better or are you truly being nice because you like the others to be happy?
yup i also believe in good karma.. if you do evil you'll get more bad stuffs coming your way. maybe it's just that the good things you do are just not YET enough...
it's like many of the tv shows/series now a days...good things don't happen to good people and if it does it's usually forced upon or it's just so good that it doesn't seem realistic, so just do good when you can and when you can't don't sweat about it
I don't believe there is good or bad in this world...We were just raised to have the thought of what is good or bad, but what if the bad guy had good reason to do this "bad" thing? or what if the good guy was just lying the whole time @_@ I know, sounds stupid, but shit, there's a reason why different countries have different laws. What you do in your country may be a good thing, but in other countries, what you do could be considered bad.
good vs evil good is more of what's acceptable and the norm of the society and community the concept derives from, evil is more of the difference and unacceptable practices of a group or individual. So if everyone in the group or community thinks it is ok to steal from each other, then would they think this practice evil?... something to ponder over....