Im all actually scaryy.... when im mad....i dunt smile...(obviously) so people ask me...are u sick? cuz im too pale and i look like some patient that took
-shock how do you keep your skin so white???! ne skin care products you could recommend? hahahaha funny -lol do you know the name of any specific products? the only thing i use right now is sunblock every morning with SPF 60.
lol,it's asian colour,lol but slightly more yellow.Lately,i've been a little it's it's not surprising because i loves going to the seaside
@gigi_gucci: I think Dior just released a new line of product targeted at the Asian market which whitens... after so and so years of research.. You may want to research a bit on it. I have heard of Shiseido having great whitening products... But why want pale skin when yours look healthy =_=b
oh i dunno, i just prefer white skin over tanned haha but thank you for the recommendation. i'll be sure to check it out X]
I don't use any skin products except soap (Clearsil) and water to wash my face every morning and before I go to bed. White skin runs in my family. I heard lemon juice whitens the skin, but I've never tried it personally, so can't say it works.
Because guys like girls tanned (in general) Ask a guy if he likes Jessica Alba, most of the time it will be a YES =_=b The "sexy" stars are often tanned, somehow...
I'm considered medium for a Chinese...then again I don't look like one. I have a more yellow-undertone, but I'm more bronzed. I tan very less than 15 mins.
normally I'm light brownish.. Just got a tan, so I look a bit dark now.. makes muscles look toner too^^! and skin is shiny!
i'm get reallly tanned in the summer and white in the winter (that is what happens if i don't see the sun for 6 months) ...perfer the tan though...of course since i'm asian, i'm a little yellowish too..just a little
Ha, I've finally a somewhat tanned skin, not so white anymore thanks to a few days holiday in Spain. -cool