What's Your Favorite Kind of Soup

Discussion in 'The Food Section' started by Great Sage Equal of Heaven, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. aww poor Dawn... coulda saved you couple of miles if you saved me some... -bigsmile

    and damn... Loving the Recipes!!! gonna have to give those a try... maybe i'll mix in some extra with the tomato soup and experiment wit that...
  2. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    oOo thanks yarg11 for the recipe. although i dont think mines turned out the way its supposed to be. but its okay, i fed it to my cousins :p
  3. thas messed up usin your cousins as guinea pigs... -lol
  4. hmmmm... these recipes r making me think that perhaps i should cook dinner tonight...

    *thinking... thinking... thinking...*

    nah...~~ :p
  5. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    well technically, my cousins eat practically anything. well the ones on my mom's side anyways. they thought it was okay...but i didnt really try it myself. too chickened too -lol
  6. lol you lazy... I hope you can cook better than you can spank... -lol
  7. hey... i spank pretty well aight?? -cool

    my cooking is even better -chef my ex bf is still alive after eating my cooking...
  8. well gee... that certainly says something.... -lol

    so I presume your other boyfriends didn't make it thru the spankings??
  9. yup... i was born to cook -chef

    at least my cooking didn't make him throw up or spit out my food... ^^v
  10. sounds like you should be in 美女廚房... although i dunno about the 美女 part -lol
  11. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    u guys actually cooked that bacon soup ? wow...i thoguth about doin it..but kitchen stuff just doesn't look like a place for me to be
  12. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    aw! thats mean ecko -bash dawn, you should give him a nice good spanking time
  13. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    are you just gonna order in for the rest of your life? just close your eyes and step in. can't be that bad -lol
  14. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    lol...prob when i have intersession week..ill cook something..i doubt it tho..ill try to bake a cake or soemthing...soup seems ez to make tho
  15. R U CALLING ME UGLY????? that's it!!!! no more spanking... i should chang it to -bash or -shoot
  16. hey i never said it.. -lol.... Owww... -dead
  17. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    -lol soup? how do you make soup? *curious*
  18. hey anyone ever drink the soup from the hot pot?? with all that goodness boiled into a single pot!!
  19. nope... coz everyone digs in their chop sticks n it's like drinking other ppl's spit :p

    but my cousin has... she asked if i wanted any n i said no thx -sick2
  20. -lol i guess it depends on the pple you eat wif....