What's Your Favorite Kind of Soup

Discussion in 'The Food Section' started by Great Sage Equal of Heaven, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. lol i dunno... jus happend to have it tonite! :D -drool
  2. i thought u had it last week or something... can u make chicken n ginsen soup?? :p
  3. lol no..... there's like way too many ingredients in it..
  4. ask ur mum for the recipe n learn to make it... then let me try :p
  5. lol.. yea hook it up wit a plane ticket.. you can hire me head chef..
  6. yeah ... sure thing ... just wait till i find a rich husband ... or u can intro me a rich guy :p
  7. lol wha about your bf... i'm disappointed in you...

    i know plenty of wealth guys who are sons to high government officials.. but none are as rich as I am with my own Jade Dragon Kung Fu school...

    maybe when i get really famous making my soups... you or your rich husband won't even be able to hire me... :p
  8. my bf is my bf... he's not my husband
  9. mustang

    mustang Active Member

    My favourite soup will be chicken soup and vegetables soup. There's 1 additional ingredient that I am always looking forward to that is the sea weed... They are great
  10. yup seaweed n meat with a bit of egg... mmm...

    damn and I was just eating dried roasted seaweed a few min. ago!!! -drool
  11. asuka

    asuka Member

    I really like soup. My favorite types would probably be creamy soups, like chowders. I also really like bisque.
  12. ms-jojo

    ms-jojo Well-Known Member

    oh my i just had some Pho, and................................ *drools some more*
  13. damn I wan some Pho!! I want that!! >.<
  14. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    reading this thread makes me kinda hungry la
  15. gyyr2

    gyyr2 Well-Known Member

    My favourite is a simple soup made up of tomatoes and potatoes. If you want extra flavour, put in some pork bones. A young person in digs can simply boil this soup and it taste delicious!
  16. yea keep it plain and simple for those quick meals
  17. ironduck

    ironduck Member

    my fav is hot chicken soup *yammy*

    in germany we have a instant soup with noodles and chicken "water"(dont know the english word)

    i love it ! i think i have to mnake me one ^^
  18. whoa... hot chicken soup ramen?? but brand is that from??
  19. ironduck

    ironduck Member

    its from maggie i dont know in wich country you can buy it since its a german company i guess
  20. hahaha... anyone remember drinking "Mang Por Tong"?? the soup that u drink before u reincarnate... :p