._., you better stop with the vulgar comments or you will disappear quicker than fearless_fx's erection when girls pass by... -lol thas right son..(gettin you back for the toy comment) hahahah
5'6'' i still wish i was taller thou, like 5'8 would be nice -__- ive got really fat muscle-y legs so it makes them look really short and icky :(
LOL man i cant be bothered to go through all 10 pages, shud have made a poll with values!!! anyways Im err between 172 and 176, yea my height varies a LOT lol, or maybe the tape measure does XD
im about 168cm. wouldnt mind getting up to 172cm but dont think that would happend since im 22yrs old now.
5' 11", dam only an inch away from 6ft. well i tell people i am 6ft. not like anyone walks around with a measuring stick.
i'm 5'4. I think I am short compare to the society and my workplace, but when I compare myself to my parents, I am pretty tall since my mom is 5' and my dad is 5'6