Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by kaka*, Oct 3, 2006.
no, itz average! haha
I'm average. 5'8''
taller than the average asian.
5'7 most of the flight attendants I know are taller than me but do I mind? no, not really
156cm or 5'1/5'2
6.3-confused , and dont know why my sisters are only 5.6-5.8 tall. -lol
5'2.. very short.
I'm 5'9", but my dad and older bro are both 6 ft.
5'11 average i guess
i'm 5'6, not too bad for 17 average for a girl rly
^ ya mean above average la....5'6.....*sigh* wish i was that tall
ur 17?:| ur pic doesn't look 17....
Yehh...5'6 is Gooodddddddddddd So jealous -cry2
^you little gnome
Wtf... U aint that much taller than me <_<
gnomes only can speak gnomish.. dont try english oké ?
Sei la lei -noclue My english is better than u u Giant!!! -dead
you told me to post something :( now i dont post anymore!! -cry2
shorter guys are cuter anyways