When you purchased a new product do you read the user manual?

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Maverick, May 10, 2007.


When you purchased a new product do you read the user manual?

Poll closed Oct 14, 2009.
  1. Yes, how else do I know how to operate?

  2. No, too much reading work

  3. User manual? What is that? Haven't seen it.

  1. misenlai

    misenlai Well-Known Member

    usually skim the manual unless it's my second time buying that product.
  2. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    I always read the manual first even when I do know how most modern cameras work in the basics for example. I just bought a Olympus camera last Monday and I scan the info for the big differences with my Canon. And hell I'm glad I read the manual first for the 5 in 1 cardreader I had to purchase for the new camera; otherwise I would have f*cked the thing up by plugging it in the comp first without doing some peoper software installations.