Any single girls here? lol So wrong. A fat friend of mine surprise me w/ her hot friends and it's unexpected too. Anyway, Starbuck is one of the best place to meet girls. I have seem a guy waited outside of the restroom for this one girl to come out and then hit her up. It was so hilarious.
go to a bar or a club and you will definitely find a girl there... they are usually, not all, the types that looking for a one-night stand or something. If you want a real relationship, you would build from there on... or through people you know or friends.
yeah it sucks for me because i didn't really get a chance to date any of the girls when i was at uni and now i don't study anymore, missed out. Plus all the decent girls were in my group anyways and i see them more as friends than people i would go out with. Hmm besides clubs and at campus, what other places are good for meeting women? lol
Everywhere. It depends on which type of girl you want. You hang out at the places where they would hang out. Parks, movies, malls, grocery stores. The list could go on forever.