nooooooo i refuse to accept the fact that eggs came 1st.................... IT WAS SOOOO the chickens that came 1st COME ON CHICKS GO GO GO!!!!!!
lol you guys stop lying to yourself it isnt healthy, you know the egg has won which also means egg is better
^ noooo...... i refuse to accept that the chicks will come back and have like 40 votes to squash those eggs of yours ha ha
^ lol if chickens got 40 votes, hell would freeze over and if it did happen eggs would have 100 votes
^ooooo it soo wouldnt if chicks got 4o votes you eggheads would only have like 15 votes at the most ha ha - not ued the word eggheads in a while!!
this question sound familiar..i think i heard it in forscenic they both come in at the same time?cuz without the chicken, there is no egg then no chicken will confusing myself..
Sorry for bringing this back, but the answer is in evolution. Considering that the chicken evolved from another animal, and that is ancestor probably already put eggs, I would say the egg came before the chicken.