Chop sticks, got to keep the tradiation lol, but sometimes fork and spoon is better. Cant get the last bits of rice lol.
Fork and spoon. Sometimes chopstix if I'm eating family style coz we all love to lick our utensils so it's kinda icky to spread germs around. p.s. chopstix make my fingers tired
hehe.....wut a funny me its chopstick all the way! i only use spoons for my breakfast (i have cereal with milk) and other than that, its ChopSticks!
fork...way better...kills the thing on your plate when it squirms when you stab it to pick it up...chopstick too slippery
Well. It depends on what I'm eating. Sometimes I might get lazy and use a fork. But otherwise, I would try to use chopsticks as often as possible.
chopstickls....u can eat in almost anything with chopsticks, and u can finish ur meal soooo fast with it
i've always use chopstick for lk my whole life lol, because my dad eats rice EVERYDAY therefore i use chopstick. but i still can't hold the chopstick properly it's sad haha... but i lk useing forks and spoon so much better, cause it's so much easier!