Big pieces of meat that needs cutting needs a fork and a knife. Soup needs a spoon. *duh* Rice and already cut food can easily be eaten with sticks. I agree: "As long as it picks up the food"... If you're used to eating with sticks, then please go ahead and use them...
I use all of them depending on what I eat. And apparently there's a right way and the wrong way to use chopsticks. I say, whatever that gets the food in my mouth is the right way. hehee..
one thing for sure sushi does not taste good with a fork try it sometime and then use chopsticks big difference
i prefer spoon, i somehow manage to eat most food with spoons, except noodles. Not too good with chopsticks though the rest of my family uses them. =/
I use both. It depends on what I am eating at the time. I mean I can't exactly eat yougart with chopsticks can i? LOL