Which look do you prefer???

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by lollish, Jun 23, 2006.


Who's looks do you prefer?

  1. An Yi Xuan - Pretty, Charismatic, Big "Round" Eyes

    33 vote(s)
  2. Liu Yi Fei - Cute, Charming, Small "Pheonix" Eyes

    22 vote(s)
  1. OH SNAP ITS THE SAME MOVIE!!!! LEGEND FAIRY SWORd AKA CHINESE PALADIN... omg i wanna watch it!!! it's got some crazy cg... ok ok... so which torrent should i look for with the english subs... dvd quality??

    After the club... you can catch me Quizno's gettin' a turkey sub... -lol
  2. Lychee

    Lychee Well-Known Member

    Yue Ru rocks! ADY ALL THE WAY!!!

    lol man.. lyf is so popular nowadays. She's been discussed in every forum I've been to so far, and now she's being discussed in PA too? -rolleyes

    There was a HUGE debate about her and other chinese actresses in this one other forum I went to, and all I gotta say is, her fanboys are crazy defensive! They get all butt hurt and stuff everytime someone says something negative about their actress... even if it's somethinf really minor. This one girl made a comment about how she though lyf was pretty, but that she kinda has a long neck, and man... about 10 fanboys started jumping to lyfs defense and harrassing the poor girl. :(

    And Peachey, no need for you to get angry, sweetie... *ahem*...lyf fans are prepubescent boys who are still ignorant. Let them learn their own mistakes. The guys who prefer Yue Ru are usually more mature and cooler to interact with anyway. ;)

    PS: Ecko, you're cooooool! :p
  3. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    She was chosen cuz of luck, a lot of ppl is chosen to play in some good series, but then ended up as a pain in the butt.
    she's just popular cuz she's young and as a successful actress, but that doesn't prove that she is the cutest extreme actress out there.
    there's plenty!

    Ady is old enough to play in series in her 20's. that's why her acting seems more alive than LYF... :p
  4. lol wow I never knew that this went beyond just which looks are better.. -lol

    I mean I'm just speakin' how I feel... that LYF jus look too i dunno.. too sweet...?? =/
  5. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    lol... I thought the name sounded familiar... and here's the thread to download the movie: http://Dramasian.com/showthread.php?t=3490

    ahhah that's so true! Most of the guys who like Ling Er only like her for the looks anyway (even though I think Ady is prettier)... Yue Ru's character was so much better!

    And yeah, TRUST ME, I know what you mean about them LYF fanboys (not all of them but most). They all assume that just because some people think other actresses are prettier than LYF, that those people are jealous of her. Umm there are some GUYS who think LYF isn't all that attractive looking either.

    And as for beautiful actresses, Alyssa Chia and Gao Yuan Yuan are at the top of my list.
  6. OMG there's actually a canton. version of Chinese Paladin!!!

    you can find me after the club.. finally got my sub
    pass me the mustard... I eat it in the tub... -lol
  7. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    i dont like LIU YI FEI's eyes
  8. shy

    shy Well-Known Member

    Ady An is soooo pretty! She looks prettiest when she smiles. & I like her wardrobe! She's such a talented actress, also. I first saw her in "The Outsiders" and then "Chinese Paladin". I must say she portrayed both characters very well. Ling Er was fun to watch in the beginning, but once Yue Ru appeared, she totally took the spotlight, imo.

    As regards to Liu Yi Fei... I think she's really cute. She looks exceptional in ancient clothing... However in modern day clothes, she looks very normal, just like any other actress... which is probably one of the reasons she's being used so often in ancient series, because many of the stunning modern actresses don't have that ancient elegance. & as someone mentioned earlier... her features are just normal without all the make-up on.
  9. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    Yay! Another Ady supporter! And who was it that said LYF won right when this poll started? :p

    And I totally agree with you! LYF doesn't look as pretty as Ady in modern clothes.

    Since other LYF pix were posted, I'll post some more of Ady's pix up:


    She looks 1000x prettier when she smiles!
  10. yup that #2 pick looks pretty good
  11. shy

    shy Well-Known Member

    She and Dylan would make such a good couple. They're both mad hot! I loved them in The Outsiders. Too bad he already has a gf in real life...

    And Hu Ge looks really bad in modern clothing too... so skinny...
  12. Lychee

    Lychee Well-Known Member

    If Dylan didn't continuously pledge his faithful love towards his current girlfriend, Amy, I would not be surprised if Dylan and Ady were a pair behind the scenes. -whistle

    They're so cute!

    By the way, I keep hearing people comment about lyf with her "phoenix" eyes, but I still don't know what phoenix eyes mean. Can someone tell me the characteristics and why it's special/desirable and why it was given the name? Thanks.
  13. yea man... too bubbly make you feel like a pedophile or somethin... Not sure who's got the better talent or what not... jus sayin who i like better based on those pics...
  14. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    i agree with you that LYF is the most popular right now in China, cuz she is.
    she is getting fame cuz ppl at her age, she could act better than the rest, and yes she also have a lot of ppl to promote for her.

    but also ppl that's in their 20's DO get promoted too, but differently from her. cuz she is younger than the other actresses in mainland china.

    if you didn't know other actresses are being promoted also, you need to get your head out of a hole and look out in the real world, cuz their IS a lot of actresses being promoted, not just LYF.

    but if in hk or taiwan, comparing with other great popular actresses, she is not as great as some of them. i don't mean that she can't act, but if you see her series most of them her role is kind of just plain and dose off in the coolness.
    but for young ppl in china, she do have all those fame and a lot of fans.
    you could say that ppl with round beautiful eyes is not uniqueness, cuz you don't know how to judge and appearance.

    you can't just judge it's look by it's cover, some of them may have big eyes and you may not like them. but actresses like Gao Yuan Yuan, Ruby Lin, Ady An, Alyssia Chia, etc. they could at least act better than LYF, and their acting looks more alive and more confidence.

    if you look at it this way, if by acting and performances, all of them could maybe beat LYF. Cuz LYF's acting is just so wooden, you could see her roles in CP or ROCH and others too, her acting and role playing is mostly wooden. and you can't complain about that.
    most of her acting is only good in the first part, but then later on her role looks kind of annoying and dull later on...

    The only thing basically about LYF that she is popular is b/c a lot of guys see her as good-looking and pretty and young and w/e... if by acting and role playing specificly, she isn't all that great.

    if you didn't know, Gao Yuan Yuan and Vicky Zhao could even act way better than LYF, not to mention they are also popular in mainland china too.
    LYF is just a newcomer that's getting fame right now, but later on her fame just go back to original. Who knows, maybe by 10 more years, her acting gets even suckier.
    You also could see that GYY and VZ has fame longer than LYF and forever will be. Even though they are older, they also have more promotions and fans too.
    #34 HK! Fish, Jun 24, 2006
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2006
  15. wondergirl

    wondergirl Well-Known Member

    Liu Yi Fei is SUPER pretty! Now that you've mentioned it she does look like a character from a painting -what?

    She kind of reminds me of Boa....like the way she acts in real life. She even sounds like Boa when she speaks in English and Japanese.

    I like the gifs :)
  16. Ctj

    Ctj Member

    neither.. 2nd pic does not look cute to me.. -_-
  17. Priest

    Priest Member

    being viet and having a huge HUGE thing for eyes i like the big "round" eyes it's sooo hot. oddly enough though most of my girlfriends have all had small eyes except for the last one...
  18. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    lol wise decision, pal. We are gentlemen, must give in to the ladies. -rolleyes Remember, women are ALWAYS right! (even if they're wrong) ;)

    I guess this is one of lyf's disadvantages of being a beautiful lady. People (mostly the girls) will never want to admit that she has what she has today because she has the potential. They won't want to admit it even if he hits them smack in the face. But oh well... not much we can do about it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder anyway.
  19. HK! Fish

    HK! Fish Well-Known Member

    it's not that WE don't admit, it's just that... she only has looks, but not the talent as well as others.
    all the guys could think about is looks, even though some can't act good or w/e, cuz all they need is just beautyness in their eyes.
    and for girls, they don't care about beauty or not in other actresses (that could be the 2nd thing), talent and intelligence is all it matters to know if they could act well or not. That's why they are ACTRESSES, not models...
    if you go for model, then you could look at all their beautyness instead of intelligence.
  20. peachey

    peachey Well-Known Member

    My sentiments exactly. The reason why us girls are more harsh in judgment is because we are able to look past what's on the outside and concentrate on other aspects. Most guys are not able to do so because they are too blinded and trapped by what's on the exterior. It has even been scientifically proven that guys are, to a certain degree, more vulnerable to looks than girls are.

    Take Edison Chen for example (no offence to any of his fans) why do you think he has such a large female fan base and bearly any male fans? Because a lot of girls (most, not all) are blinded by his good looks and don't care about anything else. He can rap about dogs and cats, act like a moron (err... not saying that he is one), but that will not stop very many girls from worshipping him. The guys on the other hand, are able to see past his looks, thus, are not very fond of him. Of course, there ARE ounces of jealousy mashed in there some where, but that's just a very small part of the ingredient. So there's something for you guys to think about.

    You boys really have way too much time on your hands. -rolleyes Most of you Liu Yi Fei fans need to realize that there is a one in a million shot you will ever get to meet her. And a 1 in a trillion shot you will have a relationship with her. She's rich and famous and you most likely aren't. Wake up and smell the coffee, dear.

    So instead of trying to defend every negative thing said about her, how about one of you just suck it up and take the upper hand? :p I just know your fingers are itching for the post reply button, but I mean, really…. LYF is an actress; whether people like her, or whether people don't like her, it's really no big deal to any one of us personally! Like I said before... just because you think she’s beautiful, it doesn’t mean that everyone here has to agree with you. You say that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"... yet you're in here making all sortsa claims about how LYF is the most beautiful girl in the world. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? -devil

    What I, as well as a couple of others have stated in terms of her looks were based on our opinions ONLY. We're not trying to impose our opinions on any of you guys. So learn to accept others opinions and views and they will learn to accept yours. :)

    Oh, and women are not ALWAYS right. We're only right 99% of the time ;).

    BTW, it looks like Ady is kicking LYF's ass in this poll.