lol , maybe its just me but i dont wnna be with anyone other than Asian or White, maybe im just racist but i think my parents pefer a Chinese girl , least they culd communicate instead of one speaking Chinese and the other speakng something else
i dont care what my parents prefer cuz i will be the one to have to wake up next to him everyday hmm...yeah...i get ur point though...communication with parents would be much easier...but hey once can never plan these things it just happens...
na, cherokees r native americans. Indians and native american doesnt really look alike. thank u bro. i think ur like the only one that kno wat i meant. rich? probably sick of asians? whites has bigger penises (dunno y i always bring this homo tho)? Who knos?
dude, speak for yourself...-lol when i go to the gym and shower, i make sure the white dudes see MY bigger penis....
yea...i think we go the same gym... is called show the word "stiff" get into the equation...-lol not homo if i see a guy with stiff, i bring out a pair of sissors and look at the guy...snip snip -devil
-lol...u the one walking round in the locker room with a "stiff" ? OMG. *snip *snip. hehe...dude, I'm JK...the truth to it is my huge P... -blush
in my opinion, its ok. my mum seems to beg to differ though. she says to marry an asian woman cos she can cook( bad stereotyping here...) and white women can't. but ya know, i don't really have a choice, seeing as i'm around white people all the time. hardly any chinese women where i am atm ... its not all about looks, but they CANNOT be mega butt ugly. good looks is just a bonus.
dude, some asian women can't cook either, especially the new generation of ABC's and CBC's. the chinese girls i know my age can't make anything more than instant noodles and toast
i find it hot when women can actually cook. ironically, thats been happening ever since the existence of mankind. honestly tho.. i went camping with a few friends, a guy friend and i ended up doing the cooking for the girls. i hang out at a bbq party, i ended up doing the bbq. once in a while some of my friends would go up and we take turns, and maybe 1 or 2 out of the many girls there would chill with us at the bbq and do the cooking. those girls were hot. now read carefully girls who dont cook: learn to cook =)
u one of em? no doubt. yea. sort of. esp when the girls bake something like muffins...this girl i know made some and she give one to me...and I said u did this for me? and she said yea, *I know she lied...but I thought she was sweet...seriously could fall for someone like that,,,
It's all the guys' fault, they keep on sending the wrong signals They keep on telling us that they don't like domesticated girls, and how much more domesticated can you get than cooking and cleaning? As a result, most girls I know can do neither. I find anyone who actually CAN cook (or able to manage the stress that is cooking) hot. Alas, most guys I know can barely chop or know the difference between balsamic vinegar and balsamic vinaigrette... SIGH. Maybe, who knows. And yes, receiving food from people are actually extremely romance-inducing -tongue2
yeah agreed..but i heard that nowadays even girls in SH dunno how to cook... and that the guy have to do a lot of the cooking best is when both can cook... like u guys say its a + when a girl can cook...same thing goes for when guys can and not too many guys i know can cook so... =/
guys fault? me: cook for me. im hungry. girl: i dont know how.. =( me: urgh. fine. ill saute myself something out of the left overs in the fridge. mind you this was THEIR fridge, not mine lol and plus, she was about to pull out a bunch of junk food instead... annddd i dont think cooking is stressful... maybe its cuz i watch foodtv? lol
Cooking is stressful if you have to worry about your make-up melting LOL And most girls do. Me, I just busy myself with a "screw you, I am not going hungry again" mentality and cook away But yeah, I was in a very similar situation a few days ago, only I was playing the "guy" part... And he doesn't even know that his fridge only has booze and ready-mix salad, so I went hungry instead TT_TT
Speaking as a white guy, i think there is nothing wrong with the white/asian relationship. An ex girlfriend was chinese, and her parents loved me too , even tho i dont speak cantonese beyond bare basics. Although it could be because her dad use to borrow my dvds why he didnt mind me seeing his daughter lmao -tongue2