so ur sayin her dad didnt mind cuz he could borrow ur dvd's whoa..... he must care lots abt his daughter then hahahaha
haha your probably right, or maybe im just so loveable not to like -tongue2 . I was born the year of the monkey, arent us monkey's loved by everyone? lmao
i could cook, but my girl doesnt like it. Because she told me that the food taste like lubricant oil.
Lol, I guess she has alot of experience the. Knowing how it's taste like. But yeah, a girl that can cook is hot. Luckly there are a lot of girls here, that can cook -lol
i don't mind it. almost all my relatives are dating non-asians. as long as you love each...race does not matter at all.
it's the chinese ancient ways.......... my parents would probably prefer a chinese or vietnamese girl... doesn't matter much to me since i speak english 90% of the time. but it would be nice to be able to speak in another language with them. my parents joke around about their friends sons/daughters marrying different races. but u can see it's happening a lot more often now. but u can also see that it's harder for me to date different races.
I think in this day and age...its not a big deal. However..there is cultural differences and both parties need to have understanding.
I've never seen a hot asian guy except the HK celebrities!! I live in Sweden and all white guys here are hot.
I don't think there's a problem with white/asian relationships... I went on a few dates with a white guy before. He was cool. And my town, the asian guys aren't that great... personality wise and look wise... all the hot ones are over in Asia... or I have yet to see them. Oh wait, they're also in Toronto. Only a few though.
i hear mixed stories and opinions from everyone to me, it doesnt matter if shes white, asian, latino (some are HOT) my parents wont disapprove a relationship because of a difference natonality or race as long as she's a good girl and someone u can hold and have a true relationship with
ye i don't think most parents would mind about the race unless they were black. they seem to have a thing against black ppl.
My parents wouldn't mind. But it's hard for me to find a decent Asian guy because I live in a white community so there are mostly white guys here. But I typically like Asian guys over white, but I don't not like white guys either.
I'm all for interracial relationships. Because i've grown up in an all white community, it's hard for me to just settle for an asian they pretty much don't exist around where i live, until recently. That's when i went through the whole 'i don't date asian guys' phase lol Can't blame me as i hardly had any contact with asians,let alone guys, so i didnt find them attractive at that time. Oh how my dad kicked off. He was like ' you better not bring back any gwai low or hak gwai or lei mm ho jo ngor gor leui ah'. He hates every race equally apart from chinese obviously but he doesn't mind my cousins marrying white guys yet the shiz will hit the fan if i do the same. The ridiculous thing is he'll openly persuade my brother to 'go out with sexy white girls' & praises him when he does go out with one and yet i'm not even allowed to have any contact with anyone white! Pfft. So i never tell him about any of my relationships, just to avoid WW3. As for my mam, she doesn't care as long as i don't bring a girl back lol Gosh, my parents are either homophobic or racist *sigh*
I personally think there's nothing wrong with inter-racial couples! I'm in one of those relationships n I'm really happy and both our families don't have a problem with us being together. I think other factors are more important- such as whether the people in the relationship are interested in the different culture of their partners. Don't you think? It helps a lot if people are more open to different cultures! My boyfriend loves the Asian culture especially the food so it was great fun when we went to Hong Kong together last summer to spend time with my family and I'm going to Ireland this summer to spend time with his relatives there. So it's all good!
i think there are more than 1 thread about interracial relationship in this forum. I don't see what's the problem at all .. as long as both of you like each other.
ye u would think so but there are many parents out there who don't rele like that idea too much. i guess our generation is more open.
well.......pretty soon, there will be no such thing as asian, white, black, purple, etc, etc. Because in reality, everybody is f***ing each other; no one cares about their parent's threat. In the end, as the world turns, people will too.