ill get the rooms and u get the guys hahaahha...i say 1 hr for each "customer" then 15min for rest and move on to the next "customer" haahha
Make sure these walking food ingredients that you refer as "customers" are being shaved all over so I can chop them up easily huh?
i think its hard to make a meeting since some arent working so its better make a meeting from some ppl in same country.
its gonna work in the netherlands enough PA members tho im afraid for most of the dutch members... so scary ar! -cry2
as i said earlier, if all expenses paid of coursei don't mind =D the further away the better hahhaha worse comes to worse... we could all just do those dodgy webcam stuff =P haahahha
Perhaps we should meet in a virtual world, like Second Life Then we can all be there ... virtually LOL Most inportant ... no tickets involved LOL
virtual plane??? how about all of us play some cool shit online game and create a guild just for PA members and we set a time so everyone is there at the moment
Men! UK, especially London is a very expensive city! But if you were never there, it could be fun-what?