well, if could could really pick; bosco with myolie and bernice with moses JUST THINKING ABOUT IT MAKES ME FEEL HAPPY
i hated shirley soo much in this series.. so awful, pretty much forced bosco to bed. bernice and bosco dont have chemistry either but so much better than shirley with bosco. These celebs are wayy too overused, theyre dead tired! look at bernice, she seems like shes sleeping throughtout the show. TVB should givem rest.
Bernice, she plays a good, part, and bosco loved her first, they were ment to be, but because shirly was jeleous!
I hate shriley, Bernice all the way! Shirley practically just forced him into the marriage. I think Shirley is a really really bad actress, and Bernice can beat her hands down!
i say bernice. they look cuter together. i know that shirley sacrificed a lot for bosco and all... but bosco likes bernice
Bosco should've ended up with Bernice. He really loved her and not Shirley, he only married her because of obligation. Bosco looks so much better with Bernice and they have much more chemistry together.
i think shirley gets too much stick - i think it's just her acting becomes more like a cute act gone a little too far... but yes, i think bernice and bosco had more chemistry together too. but then for a happy ending the way the characters worked, if bosco had gone with bernice surely shirley, being so much less independent than bernice, would have had a big old cry etc.... and we all know how tvb love their 落雨收柴 endings...
i would prefer bosco and bernice together cos personally i think they are quiet a good couple. and in the series them 2 went through alot where as shirley did help him out but in the end bosco still liked bernice more didnt he.