I agree it has nothing to do with gender. In my case I spend on little things and my husband spends on big things (fewer things).
errrr all i can say is XD if im ina shopping mood i can spend twice as much as my gf loool so yah XD >_> meh saving aint important right now lol later it will b
i think it depends on individually... i think everyone can save money if they have to and if they really want
In general, none of the youth today really know how to save money compared to our parents' generation; and I would say both guys & gals spend way too much money, myself included. The important thing is knowing how to make money =)
^ LMAOOO i think our parents are better at saving money than us. we, kiddies, spend wayyy too much money.
hmm, i think it depends, some are brought up learning value of money and others don't so i don't think either is better at saving money
i say it depends on individuals. In my case, I'm the saver and my partner is the spender (He never looks at the price), where as in my friend's case, she's the spender and her partner is the saver. Overall, women is viewed as saver because men can't be bothered keeping the finance in track and to remember to pay the bills (you hear and see this a lot in the bank cos the men complains to the tellers about their wife nagging them about it).
really depends on the individual.. i don't think it's got anything to do with gender. i think it's more of individual lifestyle.
Yes it depends on the person.. if their like a fashion freak they will spend a lot of money.. same with guys if they drink beer a lot.. it also depends a lot of personalities
It really depends on the personality of the female or male and the conditions and the ways that they were raised.
It actually have nothing to do with gender, but as far as I can observe, girls tend to spurge on purchases, but those are few and far in between; guys spend like a drizzle, little by little, but they spend CONSTANTLY. So end up either gender spend quite a bit. However, I've seen more girls being able to save up a fortune than guys, wonder why.
i think men. i got alot of guy friends who save more than me. i feel so bad ima girl and i cant save for shit
it only depends on the spender...some people like to spend all they have and some just like to keep what they have