She is avoiding me again wtf. Didn't even look at me and just left after class. Although I try to act like it doesn't bother me on the outside but inside its really bothering me. Is she trying to play some mind games with me or something? OMG if your gonna avoid someone at least do it consistantly and don't go sit with them again or if you aren't then don't act like way and go sit by yourself. Its driving me nuts!!!.
hahahahaha i feel so sorry for this dude lol hes so clueless its to be expected man! thats what happens when you ditch a girl, not wait for her and just leave lol thats back to square one for you! now tell me what school you go to so i can end your misery lol
Look if I had waited for her, I would have been acting clingy and needy. So I'm giving her space. What more does she want? Alrite fine I know what to do next time, just be more polite and stuff but if she still acting like that then nothing more I can do.
your not the only one mate wolf, i know how you feel.... i have the exact same situationas you... i also like this girl but i never get to talk to her much ireally like her but im stupid... i reallly need help!
wolf,ur name only wolf try have the heart of wolf....gals like play mind games with u,try do ur best if nothing still then go for another,there are still lot of trees in the forest.
Ok look the reason why I did not say goodbye to her because I wanted to go chill with her during her break after class. If I had say goodbye that would pretty much have ended my opportunity wouldn't it? but at the same time because I didn't say it, it made me seem rude. So whats a guy suppose to do in that situation?
lol trees in the forest... ayy wolf.. if you're gonna do things on your own.. quit asking for advise now.. just report the results.. -lol. If you're gonna do it your way.. don't half ass it... else you'll that confidence you got goin...
Have the courage to change your life if you are unhappy with the current situation, I know easier said than done but try it anyway
so um...what is the point of asking for help if you are not going to take any advice? anyways, maybe try this? Talk about a random upcoming movie with a friend while she is around you or whatever, and then ask her to see the movie with you or something...say like "yea, I'm looking forward to this movie blah blah blah it's coming out this Friday blah blah blah I don't want to see this movie by myself blah blah blah you want to come along?