i cant believe you guys dug this thread back up....-lol >>Update in relation to my "why am I so useless and shy thread"<<
he's not useless he just lacks that self-confidence oh well that's life it happens to everybody.. uni crushes...
No...honstly no wants other to know that they're shy, it's more likely a guy will pick a book women and you than shy guys! Hahahaha I remember the update, wow but a year later?!?!
-spam Huh, what sort of trap? Maybe a a guy who is Shy would want to pick up a shy guys book to help them overcome the shyness Whats that got to do with being shy and useless?
It is now almost three years ago when he posted his problem. I wonder how he is doing now? Probably he is married with that girl.
Check a few post back, you'd see bbear or someone posted a link to the ending of the story LOL @gawain no prob dude, we're only brainstorming! headbang2
Hey the story is not ended right? Is there another update? I still believe that they married! A good friend of mine has almost experience the same. At the begin, he told us that he hates her but at the end they are married and are the happiest couple in the world. -^_^