Why am I so shy and useless?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by wolf, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. love doesnt lose by giving up.

    if you give up, that means you dont like her as much as you think you do.

    so if you like her as much as you say, get back on track and try again.
  2. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    Just straight up confess to her how you feel, you'll be surprised by how often the girl feels the same way as well in these sorts of situations.
  3. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    I DON'T think you should give up, especially since i just read this thing from the start to finish ^^

    I mean if your gonna give up, you may as well tell her the truth anyways, unless you guys are really good friends and you want to keep the friendship?!

    Also all you guys giving wolf a hard time about his long posts should relax :D hes just trying to get some weight off his chest, let the man be ;)
  4. heartcollector

    heartcollector Well-Known Member

    There are two ways for him to get some weight off his chest after all that:

    1) Shit in her cereal.
    2) Stangle that bitch!

    I don't advocate violence against women though, so I recommend #1.
  5. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    not that it matters, since this whole thread was started last year Fall. And it's spring sem now, she's probably moved on by now. And you shld too.

    For future references, "Seize the opportunity" and "You have a 50/50 chance if you try, but if you do not try, you have a 0 chance." Those in quotes because I either hear it somewhere or read it somewhere.
  6. wolf

    wolf Well-Known Member

    Yesterday I tried an asked her out and she was like " I dunno, maybe".
    I was like" so are u doing anything during reading week?
    She said " I have work"
    then I said "besides work?"
    She was like "no not really"
    Then I said " my friend gave me two tickets to such and such place, you wanna go?"
    She said " I dunno , maybe"
    I only asked her out to get a clear answer so I can decide to keep on pursuing her or move on. Since it doesn't look like she is interested there is really no point in telling her anything.
    Later we were sitting in front of her class and that guy shows up. Apparantly he has the class before her and so they were talking about the midterm then all her friends from last semester showed up and I felt really outta place. Then the guy says to her to meet him tmr to tell him about the midterm test we had today.
    Then we just sit there till it was time for her class and she went to class and I went home.

    Today after our midterm, we walked to the mall again ( the mall is near our school) and then she said she was meeting that guy and called him, then the guy showed up and we had lunch. They were talking about how they went to the career fair and such and such and i felt so outta place. Then when the finished eating she said to me and the guy that she was going shopping and said goodbye to both of us but I decided to follow her this time and that guy walked the other way. She was like " you don't have to keep me company" and I replied "its ok I have time, I dun got class tmr". When we were walking it feel weird, alot of silences and I didn't know what to talk about and she seemed kind of cold. Then afterwards we left. I figured this was the last time I'm gonna hang around with her because I have decided to give up. I tried so hard to improve myself but yet it wasn't good enough for her.

    So now I'm wondering what I should do after studying week. Should I continue to sit with her or should I go sit with my friends now? If I sit with her its gonna be hard to move on but if I don't sit with her and start avoiding her she might get offended.
  7. wolf

    wolf Well-Known Member

    I'd like to thank everyone for helping me and providing encouragment and I think everyone wanted to see a happy ending but unfortunately it didn't happy. I'm sorry for letting everyone down but I really tried really hard and I think I've reached my limit and I can no longer continue on like this. I get my heart ripped in half one day before valentines day thats pretty funny :).
    #127 wolf, Feb 13, 2007
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2007
  8. heartcollector

    heartcollector Well-Known Member

    Forget her. There are plenty of girls out there. Keep on practicing until it's 'girls want you', not 'you want girls'.
  9. .... that dude did something you didnt.

    reading that last post, it seems to me you fell victim to the clingy and needy type.

    and what i mean by that is:

    you always want to hang around her. theres something about girls, you see, if you hang around her too often she'll get bored of you. see, i only realized this after your last post. up until now, youve been acting like the best-friend type. youve been hangin around her for too long, and shes getting bored. women like the sense of excitement. you know what the other guy did that you didnt? he left. you stayed and you even followed her to where she was going. thats the clingy aspect i was referring to.

    as for the tickets, picture this situation: a girl and a boy, and two tickets. it states the obvious. she probably figured out you want to go somewhere alone with her. next time, instead of doing something obvious, try pulling a few friends, and go as a group. she wont feel too nervous. the other guy did something right in that particular scene. he acted as if he just wants to talk about school.

    basically, hes luring her into his scenario, as opposed to you who dropped the bomb. im not trying to discourage you, but in fact encourage you. there are many other girls out there, apply what you have learned from the mistakes. but if you want to stick with this girl, dont act too clingy. when she wants to go somewhere alone, let her go there alone, even if you dont have anything else to do, or even if you still want to follow her.
  10. Aznmask

    Aznmask Well-Known Member

    wolf.. i know what is in your situation.

    First of all if u like a person YOu have no right to expect he/she like you. Example if some1 like me and i dont like her not beczu she not look good or anything.

    Maybe it is you are not her cup of tea. Even you try 100time if she not interest on u then you should have give up. Maybe u should look for other target.

    One thing u must do is try to make friends, any friends, talk to your classmate in the first day, keep talking.. try change your image.
  11. scottiewolfe

    scottiewolfe Well-Known Member

    Man, this entire thing reminds me of Densha Otoko aka Train Main.
  12. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    OMG. An amateur...

    Take it easy. meng.

    U have to make urself like u the good guy, not a puppy dog following the owner meng.

    When the guy left, u should have left her too. U r spoiling her adn she don;t know it.

    Also, give her sometime to think about the tickets. The way I see it, u r trying to ask her out too soon. Who cares about Valentines day, fuk.
  13. ^ well said adrian. you took the words right out of my mouth.
  14. Jay89

    Jay89 Well-Known Member

    Its ok man, I feel ya.... What matters is that you tried. Alot of people like you(shy) don't even try. I am even worst than you (don't try). Going through this probably gave you more experience. Now all you have to do is find another girl you kinda like and try it with her.... You only need one girl in your life so no rush ;) . There are plenty of girls you will probably find attractive out there, so if you try on every one, you will succeed at least once... even if it is out of 100!! -cool
  15. I got the perfect solution... hook up wit smallrinilady instead.
  16. ^mr hitch..

    but eventhough you give up on her theres still alot of girls around..
    in my opinion she didnt showed any attention to you.. and i think it was a silent hint from her towards you..

    good luck in the future
  17. lol he's insecure.. she's mature.. perfect match right!?

    all I wanna kno.. why the hell is she even talkin to that guy when he bailed on her.. -confused

    all I can say.. jus focus on your studies.. you're giving her way too much wasted attention.. or go ask kdotc to hook you up with those phone numbers.. -lol
  18. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    From your given dialogue there, she doesn't sound like she's interested in going with you to the "such and such place" -- otherwise, she wouldn't reject it. I'm curious as to what the tickets are for... and don't tell me it's some Barney-Live shit, lol.

    Another flaw in your scheme was, like a couple others had said, your "clingy" personality. You should NOT have continued the convo in asking her "besides work?" when she answered "I have work." You've made yourself to appear desperate, in continuing to ask her. What you should've done was just set out a date.. be like "hey.. I have two tickets to see Barney live for Thursday evening, but I don't have anyone to go with, I would love it if you went" or something like that. Make the initiative, don't play the safe game in asking her what she was doing first.

    And hey, it's Valentines Day today, at least give it your last shot. It's either she will accept you or reject you on your attempt (if you try). There's nothing to lose, except your virginity if you're lucky, hahah.
    Anyway, try it once more on V-day, she will definitely get the idea and everything will flow through, whether it be rejection or acceptance.

    Don't be the pussy-whipped, clingy type, like everyone said -- most if not all girls want a guy that is independant, manly. You don't want to give the impression that you can't do without her.
  19. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    ^^^^ I dont think his "clinginess" was too much of a factor, maybe a little, i think it was purely he left it too late. Wolf became a friend and when he dropped ideas of more than friends, it prob scared her a little, so it became awkward. If your interested in someone, dont make friends, you have to make it clear your interested...

    well youve made up your mind, and hopefully youve learned a valuablen lesson this time. Youll get over it dont worry, then youll know what to do next time a similar situation presents itself, right!

    As for now and future, you should continue being friends with her, dont ignore her but dont just sit next to her, ignoring your friends. Do what you feel like at the time, if you feel your gonna have a good time with your mates, sit next to them, if you feel like a chat sit with her. No pressure now your not after her ;)
  20. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member


    Awwww? Don't talk like that! You didn't let anyone down. I was anticipating your update, lol I think you did a great job, compared to how you were before, but again I will say what's done is done, all you can do is learn from it. You should have definitely did the small group thing, not just a flat out date proposal to her. Ah, I wouldn't do the last ditch Valentine's Day confession as it might freak her out if you end up sounding really desperate e.g the "stalker, I can't live with out you type" lmao Seriously, just relax. and if it happens that you get the "I just want to be friends" vibe, let it be, don't pressure her, because no matter how nice you are if you scare her, she'll start cutting ties with you. I had to do that with this one guy that I worked with, he was nice and all, but he 1. He was married and 2. I wasn't and would never be interested in him in anything more than a work acquaintance. Anyway one day he said to me, " If I wasn't married I'd chase after you till you dropped" I'm telling you from that day I started to distance myself from him, so you don't want that to happen after all that effort you have put into this, so no Valentine's Day confessions..

    Wolf, a lot has to do with your body language, the facial expression and the tone that you use. If you ask her out light and easy, she'll take it as just that and not feel pressured. Relax, smile pleasantly and just let it flow. However, as someone said earlier, there's a chance that she might not be interested in you at the moment.. And that's not a bad thing, this have given you a great experience to learn from and to sharpen your skill, there are more women on the Earth then men, so just widen out, and if you really want to give her another try.. Then try the group thing, and even then, make it sound like you want her to go, but at the same time don't make it a big deal.. What's the situation now though? Is she giving you the awkward silence?