Why am I so shy and useless?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by wolf, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    hey at least you tried and that's what mattered. From reading your first post til now it seems you improved a lot. At first you were too scared to even approach her and talk. But you finally made friends and got to the level you are at now. You took a bit long to actually come out on this though and that's problably one of the problems in your approach.

    Anyways plenty more fish yada yada yada
    Goodluck in your next adventure, and don't forget to post up on here hehe...good reading and learning tips for everyone.
  2. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Yeah, who knows what went wrong.. it could've been his "clinginess" or the fact that he dropped his "friend-status" oh so suddenly. She was wolf's first test subject and a number of things went wrong, thus, the result didn't turn out to be what he expected. All we could hope is that he'll have better luck next time with his knowledge of newly learned mistakes.
    But in my opinion, there's really nothing wrong with making friends first and slowly mature to a relationship level. The only aspect is that you must be consistent in hanging out with her, talking to her on the phone, asking her out to places, talking about more personal things (on the phone, you can hint to her bit by bit that you have some interest with her) and gradually build it up to the point where you're both very comfortable with each other. When you're at this point, it SHOULD be only natural that if a relationship is possible, it can happen easily.
    One thing about this method, though, do NOT make it so sudden that it'll frighten her at the "friend-status" level. I can only imagine how horrendous it'll be to have a normal friend (meaning that you don't normally talk on the phone, don't normally hang out, don't normally meet up, don't normally do anything together) hit up on you so suddenly.

    I can't agree more. To add to it: do not try to ignore her, "un-friend" her, talk shit about her or anything negative. There's nothing worse than giving someone the impression that you only talked/hung-out/befriended her for the sake of hitting on her. She'd be like "what the fuck? just because I don't want to be his GF he starts to ignore me? what kind of a wimp is that?!"
    Listen to the expert, dim8sum and just be normal friends with her, or better yet, still hang out with her to meet other possible targets. You'll never know.. there might be a time where she'll change her mind and start liking you and you wouldn't even realize it!

    Sorry for the long post, gonna stop my babbling now.
  3. wolf

    wolf Well-Known Member


    Actually she was the second girl I fell for in my life. The last one was in high school and I got screwed over there too lol That was 4yrs ago. I didn't get as far with that girl as with this one.. So fast forward 4yrs later I had another f'up. History repeating itself yet again. So this makes it times 2 f'up's with women. I learned from some of my old mistakes previously but I also made new mistakes but I later learned my lesson but I guess its too late now to make up for it now.
  4. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    dont rush into things man just take your time and look for someone else try not rushing into things and do things slowly let them know how you are just be a good friend and girls will come to you eventually its really simple
  5. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    I love how people just come in this thread with no evidence of having read any of the previous posts and give typical, random, vague, meaningless advices as if it applies to the victim's (wolf) current situation.
  6. waternam

    waternam Member

    hahaha sorry, just the title is so funny ^^
    I usually take a few drops of hard whisky and go talk to a girl.
    I have a bottle that is supposed to be a stress and tension reliever with an eye drop.
    So I take a few drops of that and it helps a lot with talking with ppl, and especially when taking tests and doing presentations ^^
    good luck
  7. AVANT

    AVANT Well-Known Member

    Friend zone + Clingy = No girl. Dim8sum, wolf's clinginess absolutely MURDERED all chances he could have possibly had with the girl.

    I actually stopped reading this thread long ago because he refused to listen to any true advice and did his own thing. The result is nothing short of expected. I have my answer to his original question...
  8. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member


    The chick wants to live the life she wants. so when she wants u around it is gonna happen. I think u have to get her want to be with u, and following her around ain;t going to do it.

    Does she have any common interest with u besides skool?

    Like, if there ain;t any, then it ain;t gonna work out anyways cuz it gonna be boring, Better look for some one with common interest
  9. mrlee87

    mrlee87 Active Member

    just relax and be confident
  10. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    ^Read my previous comment, troll.
  11. ^ LMAO i love that answer LOL
  12. SPARTAN300

    SPARTAN300 New Member

    Man....you just go for it. If she said not then move on because the ocean is full of fish.........
  13. spartan right.. ocean full of fishes.. especially Frilled Sharks... o_O;
  14. _Nightwish_

    _Nightwish_ Well-Known Member

    You certain did a great job. You will find another girl next time, even better :)
  15. Jun

    Jun Well-Known Member

    woot i've actually read all the previous posts

    wolf, yur not as bad as what u think u are, at least u have the courage to move in on her. useless ppl will just sit and do nuthin =P

    your mistake is that u didnt have a good game plan therefore u occasionally did the wrong thing at the wrong time. learn from this experience and go one better next time. gl on yur next crush ;)
  16. deadman_inc

    deadman_inc Well-Known Member

    jus act stupid sometimes and ask the girl for help, and after she helps you, you should attempt to thank her and treat her to a drink or sumfin....and it just goes from there....but lol....though i can say this, i jus talk the talk and not walk the walk...
  17. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    -evil He thinks he blew it and is giving up. LOL

    I win!!! I win!!! I'm the "other guy". I've been lurking around this site to read wolf's thread. hehe. We are in New York.

    JK JK
  18. wolf

    wolf Well-Known Member

    ok fine lets say I don't give up yet and still got a slim chance. What do u suggest I do from here?
  19. What you need to do now!? what you need to do now!? you should damn well know the answer by now...

    Go up to her n say... I've made this dinner reservation.. what time should I pick you up?

    and if she says no to that... then you can give up...
  20. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    -cool OMFg. Just like the other thread. da blind leadin da blind. ROFLMAO. JK.

    I say ease off a little and let her think about stuff. No pressure on her and just have some fun and joke around.

    If the "other guy " shows up, leave and be the nice guy. Let her know indirectly that you let her do wat she wants. -cool

    I'm sure the other guy will lose his cool and go in for a quick kill and blows it. -noclue