Why am I so shy and useless?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by wolf, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    if you really want her, theres nothing left but be direct in my eyes -shrug
  2. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member


    lmao you're crazy!... Anyway, Wolf, under normal circumstances I'd say to just take it easy.. But for how long this has dragged on, being direct is the best way, and as I've said before just relax and ask her out, it doesn't have to be to anything big, it could be as simple as going out for a cup of hot cocoa..or something. Just let her know that you just want to get to know her more, you don't have to go into detail about all the mental turmoil you put yourself through because of how much you like her and that you like her alot.. Anyway, I think I'm done with this thread.
  3. bumbleb

    bumbleb New Member

    are you scare of rejection? probably why u shy, mayb if ur frds not there u feel a bit more comfortable?! incase of rejections! ... dnt plan wat u gona do or say, be ur self.
  4. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    yo. meng.

    he stalkin her or somethin, like a wolf on the prey. Only the prey can bite back harder and the wolf ain;t coming back no more.

    So what a wolf do? Wait until the right time and jump in for the kill.

    PS. Don;t bore her to death
  5. umm righ... howl when you see that full moon then bite that ass...
  6. kpop

    kpop Member

    she doesn't know you are interested in her. Anyhow, knowing or not shouldn't make any difference. Anyway, all she could do is guess... and there's a difference between guessing and knowing for sure... soooo.... just approach her like you would with any other girl. It doesn't hurt... simply, 3 outcomes... not interested in you at all (which is the current situation anyway), friend or more than friends... it's a winning outcome whicever way you see it... just go for it... thinking doesn't lead to outcomes... doing it does...
  7. wolf

    wolf Well-Known Member

    Ok so after about 2 weeks of me and her not talking on msn, and that incident that happened like 2 weeks ago she finally messaged me on msn first last night. Made small chit-chat about school. Today she shows up in class and sits beside me as usual and talks to me. Couldn't really talk because she didn't give me much to work with and we only had like 5 min before class was being taught. After class we didn't really talk too much and I felt like leaving her and going to the gym but for some reason I couldn't do it. Anyways she says she's buying something to eat and she buys some food and I get something. I walk with her to her class and we sit outside her class before class. We didn't really talk, and I got real bored then about 10min or so before her class starts I put one of the foods I bought into her arm and say eat it I'm leaving and I take off.

    So right now my strategy I guess is to just ease off of her for a week or two just to see how the environment is like. How she acts towards me and stuff. I'm planning on to try and picture her as a normal friend instead of the girl I'm chasing so as to not make me nervous and stuff and so I can just be myself instead being someone I'm not. I don't know if this strategy will work or not but I guess at this point I can't really pressure her otherwise it'll get even worst.
  8. ^ ya ok but dont be too harsh! at least be polite!

    dont be like.. here.. eat this.. im leaving.. (turn walk away) thats just plain mean

    more like.. you can have this, im gonna have to go now, see you later and SMILE

    even if you talk to her as a friend, BE POLITE STILL
  9. yes.. YES!! young skywalker... you are finally turning into the asshole that's been burning within... show no remorse and do what tis necessary in order to get the girl... -devil
  10. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    yea, wtf. she is supposed to like u cause u dumped a lousy sandwich on her? OMFG. Ain;t that rude? Y not give her more reason not to like u, LOL

    U have to tell her the REASON y u are leaving meng. Like I have class, or meeting a friend, etc/ Or she will think u trying to get away from her.

  11. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    ahh the old treat em mean, keep em keen tactic...

    dont think it will work... but hey you never know
  12. seriously tho... i... dont know what to say....

    she starts showing that she likes you then BOOOMM you act like a rude ass.. like adrian said... tell her why youre going away... urg.. this is one of those times i just want to beam over there, take your place, and make things right, then you can have your place again...
  13. wolf

    wolf Well-Known Member

    She isn't showing any signs she likes me though.
  14. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    hehe. he being himself. LOL

    Maybe throw a bowl of soup over her head and then act all pissed off and walk.

    Tat bitch ain't worth it.

    I think it funny that people have "strategies" to git girls -dead

    Like some sort of pervert u see in those TVB movies to git girls in the sack.
  15. renegade_cash

    renegade_cash Well-Known Member

    yea... i dont see how you can like someone that shows no signs of liking you! and the sandwich move really wasnt smooth LOL. Plenty of other girls out there... be nice and polite to everyone and im sure you'll find others. gl to you
  16. wolf

    wolf Well-Known Member

    Well when I bought the food she didn't know what it was and she was like asking me about it. Then I bought an extra one and she was like aw you bought both of them. It looked like she wanted to try it Then later when I offered her it she declined. I dunno if she just doing it to be polite or not so when I was about to leave I just gave her it and left.
  17. wolf

    wolf Well-Known Member

    I really dunno what to do anymore. I tried to be funny and do stupid things to make her laugh, I tried to avoid surface material questions but then I later ran outta things to talk about because I was avoiding those topics. Now I'm trying to be myself but what if your a boring serious guy with no sense of humour. I dunno what is the right or wrong thing to do anymore. Some people say to do this other peopel say do that.
  18. heres a tip. if you really are that desperate, google up david d'angelo.
  19. wolf

    wolf Well-Known Member

    I read articles on david d'angelo too. I tried his cocky plus funny approach. I can't maintain that all the time. Some people are also criticrizing this approach too saying you will come off as an ass.
  20. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    u already are coming off like an ass. ROFLMAO.

    Like I said before (I think it was on this thread) , throw a few condoms on her.
