when i was little i was very stupid at math ( like my father would ask what number is greather than 5 and i would guess every number in the world). but not that im in high school i get A's after A's in math and i think that chinese are good at math bc they have the brain cell to remember the chinese character so they must have the brain cell to remember a few equation.
This is very interesting but it is sad to think that if I lived in China, I would probably not get into university because the maths knowledge that I have learnt in England is not advanced enough.
I love math.. studied calc 1-4 in college.. and Im good at it too lol! But I don't use anything more advanced than "+ - / x" in my daily life lol... in a career that doesn't really need math at all haha! But I do think that the average asian will always be better at math than any average american lol! I think asians can pick up logical stuff faster than western people.
I think it's the parents. My parents stressed about grades. I was always good at school till I reached eighth grade and got lazy. I'm not really good in science, I was never really good at it. Math is easy until I took Geometry I don't get it for some reason. >.<
math in china is more advanced than math here. so kids from china are better at math. math is number language, needs no (rarely no) english. that's why they are better at math. but since i'm not from china lol, it doesn't apply to me. i like and am better at english.
1. Culture (in Studies) - The way the normal Chinese kid studies. 2. Genetics - The average Chinese has a higher IQ than the average American.
CHinese is better at math is because we emphasize our study in math. I remember when I was little in Hong Kong, the whole class had to recite the multiplication table out loud numerous times B4 the math teacher arrived to class.
I remember that. I always had problems with 5 x 9, 6 x 9, 7 x 9 dunno why. But the good thing is, I know them now.. teehee -noclue
i think something to do with asian parents, you wouldn't want them to teach you english would you? -ann i'd rather to do maths but not science
i know why asian kids who study in asia are good in math - its cause the education system makes them learn math starting when their young. they teach all high students calculus, unlike in US when some students have never taken cal, only trig, or pre-cal
chinese being good at math is such a sterotype... I'm chinese and I suck at math so bad it's not even funny