Why do chinese make chinese look bad?

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by gogo123, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. just WTF you trying to get at here... why the fuk are you grouping Toisan with Cantonese... the uff I give a shit if you speak Mandarin... don't act like you're all that just because you guys have famous musician or athletes...???

    what about those Mandarin's who work for pennies on the dollar takin jobs from Canton speakers?
  2. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    Why hasn't the OP, gogo123, adressed any of our comments?
  3. i believe he has nothing more to boast about??
  4. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    ^ ha ha very true or you might have scared him off -fear
  5. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    We chinese people just like to pick on chinese people because we are scared to pick on other people..... And its been like that for centuries just read chinese history we beat each other up for land and power yet if you look at other wars that have occured they fight other countries to gain more land not themselves
  6. witxp

    witxp Member

    Maybe it's because there weren't that many countries to fight with.
  7. green8

    green8 Well-Known Member

    mandarin sounds disgusting. A lot of taiwanese are dirty and have no manners. I have seen it a lot and not making a bias judgement. Some toishan can be the same, but not all.
  8. twistedltg

    twistedltg Member

    the reason why most chinese make other chinese look bad is cause of the lack of education, too bad everyone cant just graduate from college that way the world would have less of the people who piss on the streets with people watching and those who spit on people's shoes
  9. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    i completely agree with nyckeion
  10. chariot28

    chariot28 Active Member

    This guy is obviously a sh*t stirring opportunist. He/she is obviously just making the above controversial statement for the wow factor. Pathetic! -censored
  11. Shizuke

    Shizuke Member

    After reading this whole.. thread.. Yeah.. i'm pretty much surprised. o__o;
    I don't know why people like to distinguish the different regions/dialects of chinese. In the end aren't we all chinese? Don't we all descend from the same ancestorial line? I mean the chinese civilization must of started in one area and branched out into more.. Thus mixing with the people already in the other areas. But in the end we're all the same aren't we?
    Ok now ignore that.. ^ (Ok yeah.. sorry for the crappy made up history lesson. XD)

    I myself have NO idea what I am.. lawl. xD
    I think on my mom's dad is from Shanghai.. whereas.. my dad's dad is from either Guanzhou or some other area near there.
    I am canto.. and honestly.. I have no clue whats going around in the world as of now.. But I heard recently there was bickering between Taiwan and like China or w/e? >_<;; (I don't know my world news.. xD)
    All humans have their bad points and their good.
    It's not right to judge an entire race or group of people cause of what you see.
    The blah you say about how toisan can be dirty and all that.. Well.. I can pick out any other person on the street whose doing those actions.. Determine their race.. And label that race "dirty" cause of one person.

    I myself don't like to litter.. For I have seen the CT in NYC is really.. polluted.. Hell any street in NYC you can see trash.. So I for one hate to litter.. =/

    Umm yeah..
    (Sorry if I offended anyone in any way.. but I just wanted to say something.)
  12. C_V

    C_V Active Member


    andy lau's sick, Jin is a chin rep, get dis kid a TV 2 learn more bout dis guy! dun get jealous cuz michelle can skate u can't. Onli ppl who make chin look bad, r da fags who suck up 2 white trash. straight up, they took over china, itz tyme we took over US and Canada.
    as for nyckeion, not every1 pick chin. 1 tyme, these 2 white trash, tryta punk me off da streets, i was onli downstairs of dis pool hall smoking while my boiz were upstairs, they talk shit, 1 fone call, i had 20ppl surrounding these white trash, chased dem down beat da shit outta dem. straight up! fuk white boiz. n YO! Toishan's GANGSTER languange! EW NA MA HAI! For who thinks itz disgusting
    chin viet pride bitches, y y'all talking shit bout own race, fukking stupid yo straight da fuk up
  13. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    ^First of all you need to learn how to fucking type correctly.
    Second, you need to grow the fuck up you racist cunt.
    You sound like you're some badass young AzN gangster wanna-be, get a grip.

    And.. this thread is fucking ridiculous.
  14. C_V

    C_V Active Member

    well first of all, I DO know how to type, if you can't tell i don't like wasting time like you on typing every little word CORRECTLY if you don't mind me saying
    second, yo, what is your concern, i don't like blacks and whites. You don't even know this world and talking shiet already like.
    I ain't badass young azn gangster wanna-be, probably older than you so don't be talking. Learn the terms, OG before talking
    and i do know this thread is ridiculous, that's why you're here to type
    overall, if you do end up reading all this, you're a fag lol
  15. wilsont06

    wilsont06 Well-Known Member

    most Chinese gangs are toishan as well for example, the joe boys, wah ching, and fong tongs.
  16. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    So little dip here is purposely typing like an uneducated, 13-year old badass and excuses it as "typing wrong to save time." Weak. Why don't you go and eat like a fucking dog because it saves you time and it doesn't require proper etiquettes?
    Second, there's is no concern here except for the fact that you're pretending to be Mr. Almighty Casanova and a racist fucktard here "1 fone call, 20ppl surrounding these white trash, chase dem down beat da shit outta them." Who the fuck do you think you really are, the leader of the Yakuza? Please. Don't go too ahead of yourself now.
    As I said, you're no "OG," but a mere wanna-be.. you're not older than anyone by the way you express your logic and racist views here. Anyone and everyone here knows discriminatory attitudes like yours are naive and pathetic.
    And yeah, if I do read your comments, I do turn more idiotic because you sound like a complete imbecile.

    All I can say here is "Res ipsa loquitur," the fact speaks itself.
    You're an ethnocentric clod who thinks you "knows the world" because you can generalize the whole white and black race into inferior "trash."
    I'll say it again.. please grow up.
  17. mingtsainy

    mingtsainy Active Member

    Personally, I think it's a socioeconomic thing. I have met Chinese from China, Taiwan, HK, Singapore, Malaysia, and US who have beautiful manners, speak in clear just-soft-enough tone and wear freshly ironed shirts. I've met others from the same countries who spit and pick their noses in public, clear their throats loudly, never comb their hair, dress in three-day old shirts, etc.

    It's also due to education and with whom they work with. Obviously, with better education comes better job and income, higher hygienic expectations, manners, etc.

    It could be generational! First generations usually have less education and money, therefore are not exposed to urban lifestyles. The second generation kids are better adapt to life in the modern world.

    As for money and face issues, those are apparent in Jewish communities, hispanics, WASPs, and just about every race.

    I remember in college, fellow students would ask me why the Chinese graduate students (from China) don't comb their hair or iron their shirts. I was like, well...they may not come from an environment where those things are important.

    Anyway.....Merry Christmas to y'all.
  18. ribsandbbqbeef

    ribsandbbqbeef Well-Known Member

    I agree with many of the things you mention, esp regarding education & socialeconomic class affecting behavior.

    I want to add though that stereotypes exist because there is some truth behind them; in this case, certain subgroups of Chinese are identified with specific traits because that's who they are / what they do (ie the majority of those in the group).

  19. Sunjing

    Sunjing Active Member

    Well not just the chinese, I think almost everyone is nuts about money..money is what makes the world goes round
  20. AsianMoovies

    AsianMoovies Member

    haha well theres probably a lot of famous toishan/cantonese people only theyre not famous world wide, i mean you rarely hear about famous people from other countries do you?