Why do chinese make chinese look bad?

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by gogo123, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. wongeh28

    wongeh28 Member

    I am Chinese.... and whenever i visit chinatown in Toronto, I can never get over how dirty and unclean it is.... its rediculus..... chinatowns all over north america are like that. They are totally unsanitary.... peace
  2. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    i think i'm going to cry

    i'm tai san
    and i pray that i'm nothing like those people you mention

    i dunno, alot of my friends say they can pick out those people sometimes by their bluntless
    but my whole mom's side is all from that area

    well i guess the one's i met in hk well are kinda like that
    but all the family that immigrated over here over 30 years to 70 years ago
    all different
    everything is about family

    ok we sound a little funny
    (i've also canto)
    but i dunno what to say with all this bashing
  3. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    smallrinilady, I'm suspecting that you've only read the first post.

    Read the other, more reasonable and logical posts in this thread. They'll shed some light into what the douchebag "gogo123" of a thread starter originally stated.
  4. kk_gigi

    kk_gigi Member

  5. kk_gigi

    kk_gigi Member

    low education level
  6. junsoo

    junsoo Member

    i dont think anyone can base something on just one thing. To other people who don't understand Chinese dialects they would probably think we're always yelling. Well to me...it seems like that way because Chinese people talk loud, thats just from my observations.

    Seems like Chinese people are just in a competition against each other. Who has the smartest child, who went to the best college. All of it is just for show...
  7. Powerz

    Powerz Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm also Toisan as well since my grandparents are. I don't speak Toisanese though. Since I watch so much TVB and my parents were born in Hong Kong, I pretty much speak more Cantonese. I can understand Toisanese though. I especially like how Toisanese people say window (tong), fish (ngoii), myself (hehe -- duu-gee), hit (haw), etc. I'm always amazed as I listen to my grandma on the phone or speaking to other Toisanese people.

    One of my friends grew up with Toisanese as the only Chinese language he understands...(well, he now understands more Cantonese.)

    I'm proud that my grandma speaks Toisanese. I get to experience something different.

    And about all that stuff about nasty language, bad habits, etc, I really don't know about since I've never experienced these things. I guess it's because I hang out with the elders. Hehe.

    I really hope Toisanese people don't get a bad image because of it. Yeah, I hate when people spit too, but I'm sure in other cultures, people do that too. So, I guess not everyone does it, because my grandma doesn't!
  8. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member


    I have been all over the world... I am 100% confident that in a Chinese supermarket the shopping basket or trolley is alway far dirtier than ....
  9. aznlildavid

    aznlildavid Member

  10. wingkin

    wingkin Member

  11. korx

    korx Well-Known Member

    It'll be over soon. In like 100 years everyone is going to be either Chinese, Indian, or both.
  12. mysty

    mysty Member

    Gee... I really wouldn't want this world to be conquered by the Chinese
    and Indian. Especially not both. It'll be good if there's a bit of control upon
    the races. What good does it bring, a world of similarity, nothing's going to
    be as much fun as it is now. Imagine, everywhere in this world is chinese
    buildings and no matter where you go you see the same thing. That wouldn't
    be a good thing, in my humble opinion.

    Well, yes, chinese disgrace chinese. And unfortunately most chinese who
    disgraced their own race doesn't really noticed about it... We should be
    sad about this though. From what I see so far, that all I can say. For example
    one of my friend... So does people from other races, there will be a few of
    them who would disgrace their own race... So, it's a common topic everywhere,
    just that chinese has a larger population, hence it's really shows up.
  13. korx

    korx Well-Known Member

    I'm sure if everyone turns out to be Chinese we will still be segregated. Dark Chinese against light Chinese.
  14. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    probably by the surrounding they grew up with
    they are ok with it themselves
    now that they are away from that place we start to talk to talk about their behaviour and all that shit
    imagine ur in toishan and ur being the weirdo
    think the opposite
    we r all human here
    if ur a chinese thinking chinese makes chinese look bad.... that THINKING is wot made chinese look BAD
  15. eason41

    eason41 Well-Known Member

    Im half Toisan.......................... anyone esles?
  16. eason41

    eason41 Well-Known Member

    I can only agree with you about 50%. You're right, it is dirty, but you need to think about the education level some of the older folks have had(not much huh), I see hella ppl crossing on red while im driving in ChinaTown of SF, I dont give a S%@T..............
  17. larlarlar

    larlarlar Well-Known Member

    I think for each kinds of people there are always parts of their race that make them look bad... but I guess it just depends how much.
  18. itzd0pey

    itzd0pey Well-Known Member

    you know why chinese or asian w/e, make the other chinese/asians look bad.., well at school some of the 'fobs'(not to be offensive or any other shit you thinking.) are hella loud& rude as feck. like.. those wannabe vgb 'fobs'.. well imo, that totally degrades us :[ like one time i was kicking it wit my friends at lunch and these 'fobs' come and sit at our table without asking or anything, & we told em it was our table, they just told us to get off. so ;] had some phsyical action & threw their shit to the floor. :O i treat em, the way they treat me.
  19. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member

    Fundamentally, all cultures go through a phase of treating their own kind badly. This is caused by contention of resources and the need for self enrichment. Under the old feudal system China had 0.0001% rich people owning 99.9999% of the property. Which meant that many had to emigrate and hence ....large population of overseas Chinese around the world, even places like Jamaica and South Africa. However in the richer western nations they have learnt the mistakes of suppressing their own people and making their own people bad. Why, they had a feudal system and kept their people as stupid peasants and made them live badly too but then when war broke out in Europe in its long history they had realised that their beautiful castles and chateaux needed clever, brave and strong peasants to defend them! This became very clear soon after WW1 with the emergence of the Lenin et al. The soldiers from the British Empire and France , fighting with the Russians realised how badly that they were being treated at home by their own people and how wonderful the soviets lived after they got rid of the Tsar and the aristocrats who had absolute power. Now when you look at China's history, most of the landlords were happy to keep their peasants simple and stupid too. That was why even with a huge nation and population China was wiped out by tiny minorities from outside in its long history and recent times! For example, gunpowder and rockets were invented in China. Much of this technology remained the property of the top people and technology of the emperor. In the west , by 1580, hand guns were available to the general public and it was then and now (e.g. R n B singers) an item of fashion. When in the 1900s common Chinese people had kung fu and swords to fight against the enemies from outside who had hand guns! Much of this "better than others" cultural instinct still lingers on today.. quite sad but true. Hey you guys, you can make a difference now and care for all others! Make love and not hate! Remember by making others feel bad, whoever we are: Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean , Tibetans..., on average we have a lower average standard in the eyes of the external forces! Simple maths: Mr A is ***** 5 star , Mr B is bottom with 1 * star. Mr A feels much superior to Mr B who has one star. On average Mr A+B is *** stars! We become together lower standard with 3 star and not 5 star!
  20. shnukumz81

    shnukumz81 Well-Known Member

    I think this thread is very ignorant.
    I personally don't feel that the Chinese people are looked down upon. maybe it's just where you live.

    You're here making up a thread complaining about the ignorance that you feel certain chinese people display, butI find people who look down upon their own culture even more ignorant.

    hmm. hypocritical much ?