why do chinese people see you in the street and they start starring

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by smilely, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. ckthepilot

    ckthepilot Well-Known Member

    I have that problem when I board on or off the plane. Not neccessarily asians, but everyone in the general public.

    I remember going to Starbucks @ JFK airport and there was an elderly asian couple staring at me and they started asking me questions. To my surprise, they started talking to me in cantonese which was pretty cool. They were mildly shocked when they were asking me how old I was... I was 21 back then. They thought I looked a lil bit older.

    I often get stopped in the transit trains because people would ask me stupid questions like... Are you a real pilot? lol I just reply back, Yah... I just fly fake planes :p But I have had kids run up to me and ask me if it's hard to be a pilot and how fast and fly. The top question I think is, "How much do you make son?" :p
  2. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    ^How did you get into being a pilot in the first place? I would love to be in your position. Making money flying planes.
  3. ckthepilot

    ckthepilot Well-Known Member

    I tripped and fell into a cockpit. hehe
    But seriously, I did. I was only 8 at that time. I began fidgeting on my first flight that I could "remember." I had a window seat, but I begged my mom to switch with me for the aisle seat because as I was boarding the plane, I peeked into the cockpit for a bit and was pleasantly exposed to all the flight controls and all the nifty buttons and electronic screens which at that time, I thought were mini TVs :p My mom was literally dragging me to get to our seats and finally when we got there, little rambunctious me darted all the way to the front and tripped into the cockpit. I got picked up by the Captain and he let me wore his hat which was a little bit too big for me at that time. Covered half of my head :p I got to sit in the jumpseat on a jet for the takeoff! I was beginning to think to myself, wow all these colorful lights and buttons. Was wondering what they all did. After we took off, the Captain held me in his arms and I got to sit on his lap. I got to witness what was the most beautifalest view ever. A slight pinkish purple casting skies with the sun waking up on the horizon.

    I thought to myself at that instant. There is no better place to be than to be here... Forget the window seat, forget the aisle seat, forget CEOs of 500 Fortune company seats.. I am 37,000 ft up high. Priceless. After that flight, the Captain gave me his wings on his left chest pocket. And even today, I still have it. I plan to return it to him if I ever see him.

    The journey to becoming a pilot for me is one helluva trip. Been through a tough time through studying, financial hardships, family not liking what I do, relationship problems and etc. But if you ask me, if I would do it all over again. The final and obvious answer is YES. I'd go through hell and even more to be where I'm at today.
  4. jialohmee

    jialohmee Member

  5. sean222

    sean222 Well-Known Member

    you are a pretty girl, dont look dont at yourself, you're born like that, so live with it, i mean there are ppl in the world who stares at anything, and sometimes i just think they wanna mug me....i watch too much movies.....but even without the clothes in that pic youre still very pretty, but i'm sure everyone would notice another person walking on the street whether they are hot or not.....dont feel weird...
  6. Paranoidandroid

    Paranoidandroid Well-Known Member

    At least they don't fap :)
  7. artofwar

    artofwar Well-Known Member

    the only time i get stares is when i go to the hood to get authentic mexican food
  8. thedog

    thedog New Member

    i live in london and i found that only the older chinese that are 40+ stare at you. In china town i dont get the stares, but when i am in my local area then the stares start. They look at you, like they have never seen another chinese person before. i think its a thing that the older person does. Seen my parents do the same thing!!
  9. chanjinhai

    chanjinhai Member

    Where I live, there's not so much of a big Chinese society so people tend to stare and see if we belong to a family they know. Once there was this Chinese woman who stared at me on the bus and it turned out she knows my dad.
  10. ArcAngel414

    ArcAngel414 Member

    Don't worry about it. I think maybe they haven't seen too many other Chinese people in London so they stare.
  11. DE8779

    DE8779 Member

    I will look at people on the street but not staring at them. Staring is not a polite gesture. If someone on the street stares at me, I will do the same thing to him: "bare meh ah bare" lol
  12. BagGirl

    BagGirl Well-Known Member

    I have that same problem! I find it so creepy & rude, Im from the UK 2 so maybe its a brit thing :)
  13. kiraexiled

    kiraexiled Member

    They're blaming us men for admiring their beauty :(
  14. chinesedude421

    chinesedude421 Well-Known Member

    it only happens to me when i go back to hk, cuz i speak in english. people always stare. O.O
  15. sillumjay

    sillumjay Well-Known Member

    hmmm i am chinese too... i know what u mean... when i walk down the street and walk persona chinese person they will stare forever o.0 i do wonder if i got a fat spot or something on my forehead that they are starring at haha o.0
  16. ckthepilot

    ckthepilot Well-Known Member

    cuz sometimes I have my uniform on <_<
  17. thejephster

    thejephster Member

    maybe youre just paranoid and you think people are staring at you but theyre really looking at the billboard behind you
  18. asn_girl89

    asn_girl89 Member

    Yeh! Got the same problem! Especially when I'm in HK.
    They keep on starring @ yu when yu walk past them >.< Sum of them are reli freaky!
    Yu know whats also weird? People staring in the metro or tram when yur phone is ringing
    && yur picking up yur phone. Its like they've never seen a phone before >.<
  19. meL

    meL Member

    Because we are sexy! -cool