bz of the market, in europe or us i think it's much more easy to meet a white guy than an asian! moreover, asian guy r really too shy
i guess it just feels different to date a white guy. could bring more excitement and make your friend envious and white guy has better complexion and looks usually
Nothing to do with the topic. But according to the interracial couple census of the year 2006, american white men married Asian girls more than any other ethnic american girls. What does that tell u?
So, the whole asian girl nerdy white dude pairing that some people complain about... haven't people considered that a number of asian girls are HUGE nerds, too?
It depends a lot, but most of the asians are shy and kinda geeks. White guys are more open and outgoing. About the manhood thing, I dont know, I've heard the asian chicks can't take that much meat either.
I'm dating a caucasian boy, but I didn't choose caucasian over asian- there are few to no Asian guys where I live. Could be the same deal with other asian girls. Most of the guys I do see are exchange students from mainland china, and don't speak Cantonese or English very well. For me being a nerd or being shy isn't even a problem, I really like guys who are modest, geeky and intelligent (bonus if they're funny), just very little choice where I live (but on that note, I am happy in my relationship).
it is actually their upbringing and they see that Chinese guys treat girls differently than those who are western 'white'. Like most people, they go for things they like rather than do not like.