Will Cantanese Cease?

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by 1mAzn, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. pirvee

    pirvee Well-Known Member

    mandarin will take a more prominent role in the whole world...everyone is agreein on this, including chinese people w ho speaks another dialect (like cantonese in HK) more and more people are learning mandarin (like the daugter of mulitimillionaire Warren Buffet).
    But i personally think, mandarin won't kill or replace the position of cantonese it has now or in the near term as a the day to day language in Guandong and HK and overseas Chinese.

    According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantonese_(linguistics),
    there are over 71 million cantonese speakers worldwide and it is the third mayor chinese dialect/language...
    thus Cantonese is really a mayor language spoken by many people. Mainland china is getting economically getting stronger and more important, thats a mayor reason why mandarin is gaining in importance. And I think thats why more and more (cantonese) people are learning it(including myself)
  2. ChilliChidori

    ChilliChidori Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately Cantonese is not the official language and lose slowly the importance.
  3. shouli

    shouli Member

    canto will never fade but it will eventually cease whenmandarin start kicking in
  4. lalalala

    lalalala Active Member

    just because the importance of mandarin is growing doesn't necessarily mean that cantonese will cease. i hardly think ppl will use cantonese any less than before. loves cantonese! :D
  5. psych0gambit

    psych0gambit Active Member

    Too bad China is pushing for Simplified Chinese and Mandarin because they're the "official" language/writing system. Cantonese and Traditional Chinese will always be the number one language in my heart!
  6. PhY pHy

    PhY pHy Well-Known Member

    Acutally....if u dunt know both canto or mando...mando will be
    easier to learn...cuz mando is proper...and canto has LOTs
    of slangs...lol...i like both languages...i wanna learn to read
    and write both....my rents thought im a wierd child...
  7. gawain187

    gawain187 Well-Known Member

    Cantonese will never cease. So many people still speaking it. Also the language is mainly used in the southern parts. Unless they abolish it, it will never cease.
  8. ChilliChidori

    ChilliChidori Well-Known Member

    At last PA will support Cantonese and lives with us users. :)