mandarin will take a more prominent role in the whole world...everyone is agreein on this, including chinese people w ho speaks another dialect (like cantonese in HK) more and more people are learning mandarin (like the daugter of mulitimillionaire Warren Buffet). But i personally think, mandarin won't kill or replace the position of cantonese it has now or in the near term as a the day to day language in Guandong and HK and overseas Chinese. According to, there are over 71 million cantonese speakers worldwide and it is the third mayor chinese dialect/language... thus Cantonese is really a mayor language spoken by many people. Mainland china is getting economically getting stronger and more important, thats a mayor reason why mandarin is gaining in importance. And I think thats why more and more (cantonese) people are learning it(including myself)
just because the importance of mandarin is growing doesn't necessarily mean that cantonese will cease. i hardly think ppl will use cantonese any less than before. loves cantonese!
Too bad China is pushing for Simplified Chinese and Mandarin because they're the "official" language/writing system. Cantonese and Traditional Chinese will always be the number one language in my heart!
Acutally....if u dunt know both canto or mando...mando will be easier to learn...cuz mando is proper...and canto has LOTs of like both languages...i wanna learn to read and write rents thought im a wierd child...
Cantonese will never cease. So many people still speaking it. Also the language is mainly used in the southern parts. Unless they abolish it, it will never cease.