Will China stop being the protective big bro of N.Korea?

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by Xib, May 25, 2009.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    What's the logic? Both China AND Russia, already within range of that DPRK nuke then, are probably even more retarded as they haven't done squat either. IMHO, the PRC and Russia has both gotten away with doing nothing about the DPRK for years, relying on US political and military posturing to keep it relatively in check.

    But, if you seriously analyze this, what if the US just pulled all it's troops out of Korea affairs and said good bye? Frankly, most Americans at home would actually prefer that the US not even be involved in Korea at all. The one thing that I've noticed over the years is that the world and much of the Far East relies on the US as being the world "voice" every time the DPRK pulls a fast one. How about if and when, the next time the DPRK does something political nasty, the US just keep its mouth shut and not say a word? Who then would speak up? North Korea was created by the Soviets with Chinese blood. I think its about time that both Russia and China come to terms that their baby grew up to be a less than desirable personality and they both should take care of it. The US should just walk away insofar as the Nuke range from the DPRK can only reach China, Japan, or Russia (notwithstanding Hawaii and some assorted US pacific possessions).

    ***Sidebar*** I don't think the DPRK would ever launch nukes on the South; its been eyeballing the south with a political hard on for years. It covets all that the ROK has done and wants the money and infrastructure. That is, the DPRK wants to co-opt the south, not destroy it.

    If the world then calls the US morally repugnant for walking out on its promises to Korea, then so what? The name of the US is already treated like dirt by most people and politicians in the Far East anyway; so what's a few more nasty articles written in badly worded English? The US should concern itself with getting its economy back on track first and foremost. If South Korea disappeared tomorrow, would most Americans miss it? Probably not. Further, with its military already stretched thin by both Iraq and Afghanistan, wouldn't those 28 thousand US troops sitting on their asses getting fat on beer and Kimchi be better utilitzed elsewhere? Now that the NutJob in the north has a nuke, it's even more reason for the US to just back off and soft shoe out before anything hits the fan.
    #21 ralphrepo, Jun 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2009
  2. crazy_man206

    crazy_man206 Well-Known Member

    China no longer needs a buffer zone. it will take harder and harder stances on NK as long as they keep acting stupid.

    even if US conquers NK and is right beside China, so what?

    Russians asked Chinese what they would do if there was a war between NK/SK and US crossed the 18th parallel line.

    Chinese said they would not go to war. even if US go right up to China, what is US going to do? invade China?
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Methinks China just smelt some coffee...

  4. HollyRong

    HollyRong Active Member

    i live near N.Kroea.only a river divide two country,you can see north korean over the river...their life really poor...