damn it... im Chinese but can barely speak the language. I think im gonna send my children to Chinese school to learn both Cantonese and Mandarin so when china takes over the world they will be good
well if you want your children to have a wider range of job oppurtunities i think it owuld be best to teach your children chinese but i only speak a little mandarine compared to the amount of cantonese i know
i think it's extremely important for our future generations to know and appreciate Chinese - where i'm staying now, the people here sees Chinese as a bore and most of the younger generation (25 yrs and below) cannot read even the chinese newspapers..... -dead
For sure i will teach them chinese, other languages they can learn it later...i know some chinese people they don't speak any word chinese...and that's really bad...
i wouldn't teach my kids chinese myself, but have them go to chinese school to learn both mandarin and cantonese.
i would definitely teach my kids chinese.. its their native language and the more language they know it would benefit them in the future... if i cant teach them myself i would pay for someone or a school to teach them... its good to know more than one language
I was a pretty lazy student when I was younger learning the chinese language...but I wouldn't take it from my children - after all, being chinese is part of who they'll be, and learning your own native language is important.
My parents didn't teach me chinese when I was younger, feel kind of left out now when I'm looking at chinese text online or on posters, Planning on learning it though, then I do plan to teach my children chinese
I would teach them chinese if I knew it myself. But I think it's a good idea coz it helps us to preserve our cultural identity and where our ancestors come from.. That is something we can never get rid of.
I would want to marry a Chinese girl and teach my kids Chinese but..it's still a bit awkward because even if I am fluent in Chinese, my Chinese isn't as good as if I were living in native China.
i would teach my kids chinese if i can't the grandma and grandpa of the kids can teach him, so there's no problem of Chinese.
lol i will. i just cant bare the fact that chinese people nowadays only know english. for some reason it just makes me sick even just looking at them. i mean the kind of people who dont even think thier abit chinese and neglect all cultral events/traditions. but then again, its what you really kind of expect when you go to another country. im just proud that my parents dont know english so it forced me to learn chinese aswell asn english.