i think i will tech my children chinese. even that i know little bit of chinese myself. but is a good idea to know some my language. so i could just sent her/ him to class.
Yes, of course. Chinese is a beautiful language. I love it very much. Also I love Japanese and I think I'll learn all in the future. I like learning many different languages. But I'll learn it first. Then I'll teach it for my kids in the future. Now, I'm a student and I've not married^-^
My kids, all born and raised in the US, only speak "Dim Sum" Chinese. Sure, they can say things like Har Gow, Cha Siew Bow, or ask where's the bathroom; but if you ask them to say something substantial like "thirty year fixed rate mortgage", "carbon dioxide", or "mayoral candidate" and they'll look like idiots. There are actually very few overseas born Chinese that can speak real Chinese at all. Ralph
I think very few overseas born Chinese can really speak Chinese because they don't usually have a chance to use it? I guess mandarin is quite important now with the upcoming of China's power. I do speak mandarin and i'd want my kids to know it too. At most can hold simple conversation will do. too scientific a word I also don't know how to say it in Chinese.
teaching isn't my forte but i'd like to teach my kid cantonese and mando, writing is optional, keeping the language is like keeping a part of your other half of your idenity, even if i marry someone out of my race i'll still do the same(poor kid guess that just means more work while growing up lol).
well its just how it is unless u set ur rules to english at school chinese at home but yea ill teach my kids chinese
of course i will teach my children chinese. why not? they still are chinese...... how more language they speak, how better, not??
Too bad i didnt get it from ma parents, but sure do i will teach ma children IN THE FUTURE definitily REALLY for SURE mandarin-chinese! Its an VIP language pack that every kid should get to know it from his or her birth -> to SOCIALIZE or even BUSINESS That is one of the reason im studiying PINYIN now -sweat..
lol , its like a white guy who cant speak english, a chinese guy who cant speak chinese, more languages the merrior lol
^ A white guy can speak French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, German (or even all of the above) instead -tongue2
i thnk its a must this guy who share the flat with me (he's 36 i think) cant speak chinese to his mum he shouts his mum in english, the mum doenst speak any english at all and always get other ppl to translate for him (ME) and get ppl to help sorting out his problem with his siblings his mom is old now and sick he jusst cant communicate with his mom.... believe me seeing the pld woman like this is very sad i heard his father was think that is they teach chinese to the kids it will impede their development in a english speaking community my flatmate is a complete banana, rude and shit
The real question is: How do you teach children "Chinese"? For those of you who don't get it: Chinese is an ethnicity, not a language.
I've actually been thinking about this alot lol. I want my kids to be better in cantonese than me since my canto isnt that good :[ (only good for small talks with friends & family ect.) By knowing how to speak just the little cantonese, I've met so many friends haha, and when I meet other ABC's that cant speak their language.... Its just not right!! So yeah, I have every intention to teach my kids canto lol ^^
I'd force my kids to learn Chinese because it sucks not being able to speak your native tongue. I can speak it fluently, but i cannot read a damn thing. I'd probably have my kids learn more than two languages though. Good for the brain. it takes a good deal of mental agility to switch from language to language.