u whoa. hope it ain;t too painful/ with the wisdoms, u gotta be careful if u r geetting them out. my friend went to a dentist that was NOT a dental surgeon, but the dentist thought he can pull it out. Half way though, the dentist realised that he can;t pull it off,,, so he called up his friend (surgeon) and sent my friend to his surgeon friend with a cab. The point is to make sure the dentist is able to do it especially the tooth is impacted and the dentist has to cut open the gum (surgury) Very important I think.
The most painful part of the actual procedure was the anesthesia shots. Afterwards, there was some pain and bleeding, but all in all it didn't hurt too much. Ouch, that must have sucked for your friend. Did his dentist offer him a discount on his next visit or anything?
anesthesia shots? i thought that was the COOLEST part LOL the feeling you get when you start feeling dizzy and laugh hysterically (i do anyways LOL) and BOOM youre asleep hehehe the doc told me to count to 10, and i counted to three, then BOOM. zzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz btw, ive had that feeling numerous times, due to surgery... like... 11 operations?
i don't noe if i hav wisdom teeth or not, cause wen i got my braces, i hav to take out 4 of my teeth so, really don't noe
thats not possible... everyone has wisdom teeth.. its just the issue of the necessity of removing them
i got 2 extracted like 3 weeks ago, but they are like a breeze even though they are impacted (with the molars) and they came up in pieces the pain really came like an afterthought, didn't buy the painkillers and the antibiotics are just a ULTRA safety measure. I am going to get the other 2 extracted in a few weeks, hope the same can be said of them.